Chapter 2. LOST

In the jungle, way out of Oshima. Eito is living with a hunter named Shiroku in a woodhouse made by Shiroku himself . Eito has left hunting already so he doesnt go with Shiroku instead he cuts the wood for cooking purposes. Later that night, Shiroku was preparing his bow and arrow for hunting and Eito was busy in cutting wood in short.

Shiroku - I hope we'll get deer tonight.I'm tired of eating fruits since a week.

Eito - bring it on brother. I'm waiting.

Shiroku - see you in a minute.

Shiroku steps out of the house with hiw bow and arrow

and went into the jungle. Meanwhile Eito was sitting idle and missing Akio while preparing for the dinner. Thinking thay he may have eaten or not. After sitting alone for sometime Eito heard some sounds. He got up and went out of the house and looked here and there. He went further and saw a man coming from distance. It was shiroku, he was deeply hurt. Eito ran towards him to give him a support. He held him from one side and helped him to enter the woodhouse. Eito made Shiroku rest his head on the floor. He saw the marks of tiger's paws on his

right leg. Eito aided him somehow and started preparing soup for Shiroku.

Shiroku (in deep pain) - I thought I almost got a deer, but the tiger was in a hunt for it too. I didn't see the tiger coming, and fired an arrow on his leg he jumped near me

and hit me with his paws. I started running for my life and somehow made it here.

Eito - okay, now you don't have to go for hunting deers until you get normal. I will go from tomorrow.

Shiroku - but you are not a professional hunter, how will you manage and what about that tiger in the jungle. I lost my family in the last volcano eruption. I started living alone. Three months back I got a friend like you and anyhow I don't want to lose you atleast until you are here.

Eito - you dont have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere my friend. So for now, have this soup and take rest.

Shiroku - I remember when I met you. You were sitting on a rock and I was hunting for a deer at that time. You offered me some fruits. I met such a kind man after ages. For my whole life I have been fighting with everything and after meeting a friend like you who is simple and subtle. It feels great to have you by my side.

Eito - okay enough of blabbering now, have some rest. You'll be better in some time.

Next morning, Eito was with Shiroku all the time and looked after him. Eito was sharpening the arrow for a hunt in the evening. Shiroku didn't knew Eito was a famous hunter in Oshima. He was in doubt while watching him sharpening the arrow so precisely. But he didn't utter a word.

Later that evening. Eito went for a hunt not for that deer but to kill that tiger first. He went to a lakeside where deers were drinking water, he knew the tiger will be in search for deers. Eito climbed a tree and got ready with his bow and arrow. After waiting for some time , he saw some movement in grass behind a deer from a distance. It got confirmed when the eyes of tiger were shining. Eito without wasting a single second pointed arrow towards tiger. As the tiger jumped to attack on deer, eito released the arrow from the bow and it striked straight away in the eye of tiger. All the deers started running away, Eito released another arrow at the back of deer and it got unconscious. He picked up the deer and went back to thr woodhouse.

When Eito entered the woodhouse with deer, Shiroku was so happy that he is gonna eat the deer that night. Things went out pretty well, when Eito served the dinner to

Shiroku, he was in a doubt.

Shiroku - Where was the tiger while you were hunting for deer?

Eito - (smiled lightly) - enjoy the meal.

While having the food suddenly Eito started coughing and some blood came out of his mouth, Shiroku passed him some water and asked him what is wrong with him,

Eito replied that he is alright.