Chapter 3: Meeting the Dark Ones

A few months pass, things slowly start to get a bit worse and there was some sort of pattern to it, but no one knew what it was exactly. Kamai had finished school and had applied to the station, and was working under Harris. Both of them went on a call to the underworld and to help an Oni and a Kappa. They both reported strange people coming into their domains and corrupting yokai around them for themselves. In return both yokai decide to become their familiars. As they walked, they felt an ominous presence, but instead of some dark being, they had found a yokai. Specifically and Amanojaku (younger audiences should NOT look up that dangerous yokai), and it was smiling wider than usual. It's teeth dripped with blood, and it seemed to be growing in size. "Ah, more snacks for my growing appetite. Your death's shall serve my master well. Now come, face your utter annihilation!!" he roared. Kamai didn't back down or show fear. He was ready to take it down. "Hey, big, red, and completely ugly. How about I shut that massive mouth of yours for good again? Didn't you learn from the last time you were alive?" he provoked the evil spirit to get angrier. He took a new stance, the Gèn Trigram Bear stance. His body looked stronger, and ready to strike at any moment. Suddenly the Amanojaku moved so fast he seemed to flicker for a moment before he vanished, but Kamai stopped his slash attack with he sword sheath. He then slashed the beast in the chest, but it was still aiming for his throat. Then Kamai slammed his palms into the Amanojaku's chest, eight times, making it cough up blood, and then a swift and powerful kick to the stomach to send it flying. The first attack had weakened it considerably, even with it's healing powers. The oni looked at Kamai with amazement that he would be fighting a yokai regarded as "Evil Kami" with no hesitation and be overpowering it. It charged at him again and started to control the earth below it to make spikes coming from different directions. The oni was worried and started to manifest it's weapon, but Kamai skillfully moved himself in a way he felt like a leaf dancing on the wind. He then kicked the Amanojaku three times in the jaw, knocking out one of it's teeth, and then a fierce axe kick to the head. It was barely clinging onto it's consciousness, and just resulted in a rapid flurry of punches and slashes. Kamai matched it's speed, not taking a single hit and just batting away its hands, and then he landed a double palm thrust to it's chest, sending a shockwave that knocked it out completely. Harris smiled, impressed with his growth. The evil energy seemingly left it, but by it's very nature, the Amanojaku is evil incarnate. The oni went to Kamai, and bowed down to him. "You are indeed a worthy master. Allow me to become your strength, and you mine as well." he asked. Kamai agreed and the oni turned into spirit energy and went into the sword, leaving a special print on the wooden sword. The Kappa went into Harris's special dimension he calls his Beastial Dimension. "I'm amazed you got this far. We need to have a match once in a while, I want to gauge your true strength against someone with more experience." he teased. Kamai looked away from him a bit upset with that comment, but he hid his smile that Harris saw his growth without relying on his sword. They left the underworld, but someone else had followed without them noticing.

Later on in the day, they met with Gabriel and his girlfriend Satina. They were fighting off a massive swarm of what seemed to be hornets telepathically controlled by someone in a bee costume. "Ah, you're Harris. Totally demon material. So if you ever need an Incubus to get busy busy with, just call me hun. I'll help you get your freak on, Hell style." she seductively suggested. Harris thought of it, and had a perverted smile on his face, making Kamai mad and slapped him into the ground. "Dumbass. Focus on the bugs." but he secretly thought he would think of him dressed as a sexy incubus. Gabriel kept containing the hornets in bubbles made of light, but they kept respawning faster than he could contain them. Harris got up and tried using the air to make a tornado, but that would drag people that were trapped in the crossfire in the mass of stinging insects. Satina then jumped into the swarm and started spinning at an insane speed, drawing the insects to her while spinning fire around her body so they'll burn. She was stuck inside of a massive ball of hornets trying to sting her, but she wasn't getting dizzy, but she was building up power for one large blast. She suddenly detonated and burned the swarm faster than they could spawn, and Gabriel knocked out the one controlling them all. Santina floated down unharmed and wasn't the slightest bit dizzy, and hugged Gabriel from behind while rubbing his chest. "Mmmmm, was my puppy satisfied with my dancing?" she asked before whispering in his ear something that made his whole face red and his hair to stand on end. Harris then laughed and walked to the store to give them privacy. Kamai looked at them like he was studying for something. Satina noticed and went to him. "My dear, if you want him to like you, hiding from him isn't the way. Inside that tough exterior lies a beautiful boy who looks good in pink." she giggled, making him blush with an angry face. "You should get home for the day, you've more than proved yourself sweet boy. No need to overwork yourself on day one. I have a puppy to entertain tonight." she said seductively as she teleported in a pillar of flame with Gabriel. Kamai thought about what she said going home, his room dead quiet as his family was out for the night at a movie. Kamai wasn't one for interrupting them during movie night, and decided to go a different day. He got undressed and got into his girlish outfit again thinking about showing Harris. "Um...Harris, I-I was wondering if you'd like to go Harajuku? I-I mean, my home? I don't exactly know if you like femboys...especially femboys that can turn into some sort of were-weasel yokai with weird powers..but please go out with me?" he said to the wall, then looking defeated and punched the wall. "Dammit, why am I such a major-" he was cut off by a familiar voice. "Punk bitch? Trust me, it's not uncommon. Answer is yes." Harris said while his astral form was in his room. Kamai was beyond embarrassed and his frustration turned to crying, much to Harris's surprise. "W-wait! I'm sorry man, I meant to tell you but I didn't know you' dressed so cute. Look, can you just come to my house? Like ASAP? It's very important." he said, sounding serious. Kamai wiped his face and nodded yes. "Just...please don't tell anyone about this." he asked. Harris agreed and his astral form disappeared. After a few minutes, Kamai came to Harris's house, where a man in a dark cloak and grey hair was sitting there with a wine glass.

"Ah, you're here. Good. Now, to the business at hand." the man said as he grabbed Kamai by the face, slammed him to the ground, and then stamped on his stomach to pin him down faster than Harris could react. Harris suddenly moved but was stuck by a trap spell that used scalding lava to trap his legs and his arms were bound by ice links. It was an intense pain but he couldn't scream due to the smoke forming a gag around his mouth. The man finally spoke. "This is being said to your friends as well. We will not repeat ourselves for we find you humans to be utterly disgusting. You will not delay the coming of God, he will erase your kind from this planet and you will not fight this fate. It is impossible and the price to pay is death. However, you can still prevent this by dedicating to God, and repenting for being born a lowly human. He will spare you a cruel death, though you will die all the same. Only He is beyond human understanding." the man said in a menacing way. but Kamai spit on his foot. "Screw you..screw your god..and go to hell you uppity bastard!" he yelled. The man said nothing more and just threw him and Harris outside where they got hit with a massive energy ball along with Ben, Tasha, Quason, Gabriel, and Satina. All of them majorly weakened. Then three people in dark robes noticed someone was missing. Quason's girlfriend, Ursa, was floating overhead, and was making a star made of healing energy and let it turn into a nebula of healing clouds to heal the group. She wasn't able to speak, but she was clearly mad. Tasha and Satina got up, and Gabriel joined them to get payback for the sneak attack. All four of them stared down the three in robes and they went to attack them, but they weren't fully healed and couldn't match their speed. Only Ursa was able to fight all of them off with her lance, and after about ten minutes, the three vanished. It was obvious they were outmatched, and this demonstration of power was proof of what was coming was way more dangerous than what they previously faced before.