Chapter 13.5: Godly Tribulations

Tasha was finally in Greece and met the plant god Pan. She talked to him and told him about what was going on. Pan agreed to help her gain divinity, using his blood. He explained that using godly blood on a mortal, the power could rip their bodies apart from the inside out. Tasha didn't care, and she created a cocoon around the embryos in her womb so they wouldn't be harmed in any way. "Are you sure you wouldn't want to try an alternative to this? The pain is unimaginable, and you could die from this." he said, but Tasha already decided and bit his finger to draw blood. He was surprised by the sudden bite, and couldn't stop her from drinking the drop of blood she had gotten. Her body started to convulse, and squirt out blood. She screamed out in pain, barely able to stand, forcing Pan to help he up. "I...need more..three months worth! Screw the pain, my family and friends are training their heads off. And I'm going to join in the battle. This is how legends are made. Fork it ya horny mess!" she yelled. Pan reluctantly agreed and gave her his blood. Tasha then turned herself into a tree to keep herself from screaming and bleeding out all over the place, so Pan waited and watched over her to make sure she came out of the ordeal alive.

Gabriel woke up to see Metatron waiting for him, looking over his scroll and writing things down. He then looked at Gabriel with a smile on his face and unfurled his six large wings. "Ah, you're awake. You've been out for about five minutes in human time. And I see you've met our...I'm sorry I can't say it with a straight face." he said, laughing as he did so. Gabriel was confused. "Apologies, the Lord and Savior trope seems so..very dated. Also you share the same name as my brother. I have a feeling your friend Harris will find him very attractive. As all people do. But anyways, I believe we have business to attend to, and we've got three human months. Now Gabe, let us begin." he said swiftly. Gabriel couldn't get a word in as he was already summoning angelic beasts. Gabriel didn't have time to think of a weapon so he punched them away, which didn't do anything much but force them back. Metatron shook his head and stopped the beasts from moving. "There it is. You're a bit too...whats the word? Indecisive, and if you hesitate then people will take advantage of that moment of stagnation. You gotta have faith in yourself, because without that then you can't progress. Faith in oneself is like saying you're worthy of every challenge that comes your way, and you can overcome any obstacle. Such things are possible because humans believe it to be so. So stand up and fight. For your friends and family, your home, and for yourself." he said as he flew into the sky shining like the morning sun. Gabriel then felt a burning passion course through him, he manifested a large claymore sword and swung with with the speed of a canon ball. He then realized it was a Holy Armament, used for heavenly wars and for the strongest of evil beings. Metatron was impressed that his passion summoned a weapon like that. "Good. Very good. Emotional energy is something everything in the universe uses. It's that final push to the finish line, and it seems yours is a very powerful one. Continue to fight, get stronger. You have plenty of time." he said before vanishing. Gabriel raised his sword and fought the next wave of beasts coming his way.

In Japan, Kamai woke up to Tamamo rubbing his head like he was a newborn. Kamai jumped up and saw that he was a soul now and that he technically didn't have any sensation of touch without his physical body. "So here you are, again. Dead this time. I guess that means your plan is succeeding then and now you're working to become a god. Honestly you couldn't have picked a better time. I was getting bored of waiting for someone to use the Apotheosis System. I was about to plant the idea in someone's mind." she said laying on her back and balancing a ball of blue flames on her finger. Kamai wasn't impressed and went to attack her, but was knocked back by a kappa. "About time, sheesh. Now, I want you to push me like hell. This is serious shit, and I'm not gonna lose..officially, me dying doesn't count. So...please help." he said as he gritted his teeth. Tamamo giggled and summoned two foxes made of flame, and explained how the process worked. Kamai then fought both them both, but was having a bit of a tough time with them darting all over the place. Then he got the idea to try using the spirit energy around himself to attack like he had multiple arms. He gave it a try and beat both foxes at once, but left him a little exhausted. Tamamo clapped her hands with praise. "Very clever. Using the spirit energy to your advantage. Very handy. And just so you know, Osaru and your cultivation beast have fused and matured. They're currently training like hell, you should feel honored. However, it's best not to force yourself to use a power you've never used before. Work into it, it'll get easier." she said. Kamai nodded, and fought more yokai, drawing the fight out so he can get the most out of the battle and adapt faster.

In Hell, Satina went to the Ocean's of Envy. The name was just for show, as the water was just normal water. The entire ring was basically one gigantic beach, with Leviathan sitting in the center of the massive ocean. Satina flew down to him at high speed, and woke him from his slumber. As he woke up, he rose above the water surface, showing his head alone. "Ah, Satina of the Inubi and the daughter of Belial. What an odd time to see you here. How's your step father doing?" he asked, but Satina hit him in the head, which made a large bump on his head. "No time for familial formalities. I need your help. Cause when the seal wears off in three months, I'm gonna be kicking some serious ass with my soon to be husband, and I'm gonna have a daughter. Now let's get down to business and start this process." she said triumphantly. Leviathan was surprised how she was so confident now, and agreed to help her. He took her into the ocean, and spawned multiple demonic fish which were just large skeletal fish with razor sharp teeth and a large horn. She fought them as best she could, but the water was limiting her movement a lot, and was close to getting speared through. So she thought of using her wings as extra arms. It was working, and she beat all of them. Another group came, and started to overwhelm her a bit. Even when using her wings she was about to be swarmed completely. So she made a whirlpool and collected all of them inside it, then destroyed them in a flurry of glowing red spikes. Leviathan was impressed at her effectiveness and cleverness when her back is against the wall. He then made it harder for her to move by making the water denser around her, and made another swarm of enemies for her to fight. She readied herself for the fish.