Prologue: Death & meeting with Goddess and look a like

"What in the hell!!"

Pinching his arms and looking at his legs, he tried to confirm if it was a dream or not.

'Is it lack of sleep getting to me, or am I having delusions due to my mind being filled with all those anime and manga I Devour?? Whatever might be the case.

I, Mizutani Ryu have Mastered Teleportation or gone mad

Bye-bye sane life'.

What Ryu did not know is that he did not just say bye to the sane life he had said bye-bye to his life itself. Just mere seconds before he was in his classroom thinking how the new girl that join look as if she come out of an anime, then he blinked, and the next thing he knew he found himself in this place.

The place resembles a girl's room because it got a bed full of stuffed toys, a mirror with various kinds of make-up, and a flat-screen TV. Ryu was analyzing his surroundings and confirmed it was a girl's room after seeing a black panty hanging out of a window. To not look like a pervert staring at panties, he looked up and what he saw baffled him and he returned his gaze to its original position.

The otherwise normal room did not have a roof, and the sky looks completely white. 'Where am I!?' he wondered when suddenly an alluring voice came from behind it said

"If you're done staring, can I get your attention for a while"

"I... iii was n-not staring, it was just in the line of my sight!!" He panicked while reflexively answering as he turned back.

'A Goddess' was all he could think as he looked at the girl standing behind him. Long silver hair and blue eyes that look like they can look inside him, a face that can leave idols in ashes, dressed in a silver-colored one piece with a glint of blue with a dignified and pure aura surrounding her. Even her chest was not too big or not too small, just a bit below perfect size.

Ryu was fascinated by her look and couldn't speak for a while 'did she come out of an anime' he thought. Ryu and Goddess were in a calm atmosphere before one of them could speak, someone suddenly appeared behind Goddess, and before Ryu could even see him properly, he ran towards Ryu and before Ryu knew it, he was pinned down on the ground but what was more shocking than it was the one who pinned him down.

Looking, exactly like Ryu from head to toe, the only differences were a tattoo on the upper body, crimson eyes, and a pair of horns. He had more toned muscles and abs while Ryu was appraising him. that lookalike asked him in a scarily low voice

" are a human"

"What else? " Ryu replied sarcastically due to being perplexed by his questions and while they were in this deadlock situation Goddess intervened

"My name is Katya, I am a Goddess. If you give me a chance, I will explain it all"

"What is this place? Tell me or am going to kill this lookalike," the lookalike warned, looking a bit irritated. Goddess said

"Do it if you want. Either way, you both are already dead"

"What, you are not trying to trick me right," lookalike said, but before Goddess could say anything Ryu shouted,

"that cannot be. I just fuc**ng blinked. Who dies from blinking!!??"

"Give me a chance and I will explain. Did I not say it already?"

"Is she saved? Did forbidden ritual work?" lookalike asked Goddess as he stand up and let Ryu go

"She is revived, but not finding you after waking up is not letting her accept your death"

"Now if your both sudden friendly chat is over will someone explain something to me? " Ryu scoffed a bit

to answer this, Katya went towards the TV while thinking, 'both of them resemble him but only half' and she turned it on. what appeared on it made Ryu gasp because it was his dead body surrounded by his classmates then it fast-forwarded showing him a summary of how he ended up in a grave he felt something amiss in it but before he can figure out what it is Goddess began speaking

"Doctor said you died of heart failure, and your legal parents reached school late after mostly everything was done, and they"

Ryu was already looking gloomy and asked "and they??"

"They sell every sellable organ in your body"

'ehh the perks of being a universal donor I guess' Ryu thought because he already knew those people were shameless and worst but he felt he was seen by pity not only by Goddess but also Lookalike and with a frown, he asked Goddess to continue with the explanation

"I would like you both to introduce yourself to each other," she pointed at both of them with a smile

"Mizutani Ryu, a high schooler" Ryu kept it short

"Demon lord Mictian, am the greatest of 7 high demons and rule over all the demons on the continent of Lunar continent," Mictian said

'Chunni chunibyooo!!!' these were Ryu's thoughts, and he wanted to shout them too but he knew the situation is serious so he held it back, and then Katya began to speak

"Now you, both have done the introduction, I will tell you now basically you both have different bodies and different worlds you come from, but despite that, you both are part of the same soul, two parts of one soul,"

"What do you mean by that!!??" both Ryu and Mictian said at the same time

Katya put her hand on her mouth, hiding a giggle, and began to continue

"As I explained, you both are part of the same soul. Ever wonder about those weird events that happen to you when you both were alive? they happened because the soul cannot be completely divided and had a link remaining which causes resonance between parts of the soul which might affect you or your surroundings,"

this made both Ryu and Mictian fall in nostalgia. 'Those times when everyone excluded me suddenly, become hateful, out of the group when I tried to be part of it when I suddenly gain the strength to beat 5 bullies alone which got me beaten later, and why I suddenly get manipulative and pure evil thoughts, it is his mistake!!" Ryu thought

'He died because of me.'

Demon lord Mictian, Mi-kun as his beloved refers to him. He is very sure and accepting of the death he went.

To the world, the Demon Lord was a fearsome being, but one won't believe he is a man who likes spoiling his wife and doting on her. And he wasn't necessarily evil he is what one will call necessary evil he intervenes and attacks humans when humans are about to go to war between themselves or other beings for the sake of both humans and demons so the world won't suffer and all will unite against a common evil. And now he understands why, even after being born as a demon lord. Being who is supposed to be inherently remorseless and only devoted to demon supremacy becomes like he was.

And took upon being necessary evil while lovingly doting on his wife. His death was also his attempt to save her life by giving away his life force. He was successful to bring her back to life but die because of it.

With this, he understands two things: that he is the cause of the death of Ryu, and he is indebted to Ryu for his existence because it makes him who he was despite being a demon lord.

to be continued