First day as a baby

Having opened his eyes Ryu looks around himself. Trying to move his arms and legs but no progress trying to tilt his head 'ahh finally something that moves as I want it to' even after knowing how to walk and how to scratch his sole he can't scratch it that's the misery Ryu who just woke up is suffering from.

'Maybe that's why kids always cry, I want to cry too someone please scratch my sole'

Aiena who was passing in front of the room notice him struggling and came inside the room 'How cute young master' seeing Ryu being active makes her happy.

she who've seen Viscountess and Viscount wait in anticipation for baby to born and this baby who was born with features of both of those Nobel people who help her when she had nowhere to be is the cutest and most precious existence for Aiena too.

Noticing Aiena nearby Ryu decided to use the secret technique which every baby in this world know by birth even if they don't have the memory of previous life he began crying 'will it get across her'

And then Aiena picked him up thinking he have succeeded he smile in relief

"Young master, were you crying because you wanted me to carry you"

Aiena ended up thinking that Ryu was crying because he was feeling needy and was also feeling happy thinking that just born young master want to fawn over her or so she thinks and smiled even though she was smiling as brightly as sun Ryu was thinking

'What in hell, I thought crying worked' although he thinks that there is no way one could know everything a baby want just from their crying

'Is this fate of babies to be played around with when we complain about our feet itching would there be anyone who will understand us' but he rubbed his feet on Aiena who was thinking he is moving his legs in happiness from being carried.

Moving while being carried around feeling like a king 'maybe being a kid is not that bad' or so Ryu thought passing through a warm good-looking garden towards another building he thinks how pleasant the garden looks there was a tree with a brand-new swing and also few similar rides all looking brand new. He could see how much his new parents had been waiting for him his heartfelt ease 'At least I won't be neglected in this life it seems'.

While lost in thoughts Ryu gaze forward

'Why why did young master eyes look dead for a second' thinking he might be missing Lina san she starts walking faster towards the room where Lina was passing by the main gate of the second building Ralph stopped her

"What happened Aiena, we told you not to rush while carrying baby"

Looking as if she got caught doing something bad, she looked troubled and pointed towards Ryu and explained

"Lord Viscount, I did not mean to run but the young master was looking so sad I thought he was missing Viscountess mam am sorry"

"You were wrong"

Never seen Ralph being this flamed in his eyes she thought he was angry because she was running while carrying Baby in her arm, she hardens her heart for any punishment or scolding little did she know that the passion in eyes of Ralph was actually spirit of being competitive and with a prideful smile he proclaimed

"Is it not obvious the one Baby must be missing is me, was he not with Lina the whole night he must be missing his father who barely get to hold him yesterday"

"Yes!! Lord Viscount that must be the case here take the baby"

Aiena felt relief over the fact that Ralph was not going to punish her or scold her and passed Ryu over to him. Looking at how Ryu hugged ralph as soon as he was passed Aiena thought maybe Lord Viscount was not wrong

"See my baby, am sorry father was busy with work I am not to leave you alone now"

"Lord Viscount, young master is looking so relived now"

'You will never leave me alone right. Please never leave' Ryu thinks while hugging Ralph lost in his memories

'I will make sure young master look as calm as now in my presence too'

'My baby is the cutest'

"Hey, Dear are you planning on having baby all to yourself"

Lina arrived at the scene and Ryu started crying only stopping when being handed over to Lina. With a smug look, Lina said "ahh looks like the baby just loves me most". 'Even though Ralph san I mean father felt calming, there is no comparison to mother' or so Ryu thought.

And after being fed by Lina he fell asleep just like yesterday

But a distant voice in a sad tone can still be heard "It is not right baby loves us equal or loves me more right" being consoled by yet another voice "Lord Viscount, it's as you say baby might just be hungry cheer up"