A maid’s past #1

Aiena's Pov~

I still remember those days when papa and mama would wake me up those blissful mornings

"Wake up Aiena, it is morning," my mama said

"5 more minutes mama" I used to say every day

"Do you not want to say bye to papa, hurry up,"

"Good morning mama, where is Papa?" I asked mama who, like every day, was preparing food in the kitchen. Our house did not have any servants and was just a bit bigger than other houses in the locality.

"I am here Aiena. Do you want an up?" my father asked me whenever I say yes father would take me in arms and throw me upwards and catch me. I used to love it so much.

"Yes, papa, I want an up an up,"

And he throws me up twice and catches me. It always used to make me full of smiles and then papa would also, smile seeing me smile while standing me up on the bed and petting my hair and mama came in

"Will mama get some space in this cute father-daughter time too?"

"of course, dear, come join us in our group hug," papa said

"Mama, join us, join us,"

"Here here" and they both hugged me together and papa said "let's all have breakfast together today" usually papa goes to work just as I wake up and only mama and I eat together. That day papa was looking a little gloomy, so I hugged him and make him take me to the breakfast table. While we were eating our breakfast, papa said

"Dear, I would be coming back a little later than usual tonight"

"Why dear?" mama asked papa while whipping her mouth with a cloth

"Today we are raiding the place we doubt kidnapped beastkins are hidden. Lord Viscount has told us to raid the place as soon as possible".

Papa used to work for Lord Viscount. papa's work was to help maintain the law and order of the town.

I was proud of my papa. He was not a knight or soldier but many soldiers and knights used to respect my papa.

Lord Viscount was also a kind person and was a friend to my father he used to send presents for me and when I went to see father working, he let me play inside the mansion.

"Take care, dear am afraid whenever you talk about raids even though you have the lowest level and only mostly defense skills. Why do you have to go to raids yourself,?" my mama asked concerned

"Dear knights, and soldiers might have a high level and strength, but do you remember why your husband lead them when it comes to raids? " my papa pridefully said

"Here we go again," my mama said with a frown

"Because no matter the higher level they need someone who can find the clues and lead a raid in a way to get the information needed to reach the helper of kidnappers or to find the once behind the scenes and prevent the further problem, and no other in this town of Epnir have investigation skills as your husband," Papa said with a smug

"So cool papa"

"Yes, so cool. Even your mama was impressed by this stuff in, the past," mama said with a sign

With a chat like that, breakfast came to an end that day.

Papa, who was supposed to come late that night, did not come back the whole night. Mama was getting tense and I come to know about it the next day.

I was feeling sad. I asked my mama when will papa come and she said soon and soon to calm me down.

We did not know this wait will go for days. The next day too when father did not come back mama and I go to Lord Viscount's mansion cause papa's office was empty, no knight was there.

At Lord Viscount's home but Lord Viscount and Viscountess mam were not there. And we were told they will be back after 4 days.

Day after day went without papa returning, I wanted to ask mama but she already looked so troubled so I did not want to trouble her more we had already gone to every corner of town prayed thrice in Light Goddess church that father will be safe and return soon.

I did not want to trouble mama so I would only cry where mama can not see me 'papa where are you? I miss you'. Neighbors try to console mama and me, but none of them could provide anything which will calm us down.

And after 1 week we found him.

Our family reunion was not happy as we imagine it would be I thought father would hold me up in arm mama will hug him I imagined it all these days when papa did not return. But the reality is not what I imagined.

The day we found father, our good morning was said to us by paladins breaking our door open. Both I and mama were chained by them

"What is happening? no, do not chain my daughter"

"Mama mama" I shouted, but paladin did not care about it.

Both of us were chained and taken out of our house then a flashy looking younger paladin came forward and spoke

"By the power of this skill bestowed on me by the Goddess of light, I burn and purify this base of evil [Dome of Flame]"

And he put his hand forward and dome of flame which did not cover our house fully burn down our home from both inside and outside our home it was our happy home whenever I think about it, I cannot stop my tears as I remember the merciless smile on that paladin's face

"Mama mama!" I shouted as I cried, but my mama was so shocked, she could not move or speak.

We were not given enough time to cry our misery when one of the paladins announced

"This family head was the one serving Evil God. He was detained by a holy knight who came to town at the order of Goddess of light"

"The rite of mercy will take place at Church's square gates will be open for everyone to see," another paladin continues.

It was hell. I could not believe it. I still can not papa was a righteous cool person he was not someone who, serve evil but it just takes this announcement to change almost everyone's view. My mama shouted while shaking paladin off.

"It is wrong. It is a lie. My husband is not an evil lord worshipper. He is being framed" but before she could say any further the flashy-looking paladin slapped her. I am still scared why mama. She never did anything bad why did he slap mama?

I fall on my knees but was pulled up by another paladin he gave me to my mama and the fire magic paladin told my mama to remain quiet if she knew what is good for me when he looked at me and did the same action by hand which he did while burning our house. I was scared I fall back. Mama hugged me hard.

We were being taken to church on foot for the rite of mercy while our neighbor's kids were throwing rocks at us. My mama shield me from it, she looked sad I could not help her.

Mama, please don't beat my mama.

She is a kind person mama's forehead was bleeding I can not speak mama's face was emotionless she just kept hugging me tightly while saying it is okay am fine while she was being hit.

I saw an uncle who said yesterday he would help us if father was in trouble. He would look for him but no he is turning away, no one would help us.

To be continued~