The Not-so Holy Planning

In a room with white walls adorned with golden design. A person is sitting on the sofa leaning back putting his foot on the table. Even though he is called One of The Holy knights nothing seemed holy about him at this moment,

Brown eyes and silver hairs with a rough look and the sharp jawline made him look handsome but a look of insanity was clear in his eyes he spoke while looking at the High priest

"I am hundred percent sure, a being having darkness inside not being hurt by light instead bringing its potential out. Killing this kid will make me many steps closer to our goal" he smirked crazily. Seeing him like this High priest who is not wearing his hat tapping his hairless head said

"Are you sure about it, like few beastkins kids acceptable, the Investigator you wanted to get rid off acceptable, lending a paladin who never returned was acceptable? But Mathew you can not just come and ask me to help you kill that Viscount newborn out of nowhere without explaining properly!!!!"

Hearing him shout Holy Knight tapped his sword and stared at him hard which made the High priest sweat. Laughing The Holy knight spoke

"Adam uncle, only we are left out of all do you not believe me. I thought we were together in taking our revenge, do you not believe me??" as he moves his sword

"I never said, I did not believe you, Mathew. It is just harder to get Viscount's kid we need reason and plan.... I…Believe…. you" stuttering High Priest reply

The man who was shouting at Mathew was already not there. Mathew always finds it pathetic and funny how Adam can act despite being a total coward which gets him laughing. He spoke in a low and cold voice

"We can never let this Kid live. He is already a variable who knows how he got that kind of constitution which is nearly impossible?? killing him will make me stronger. And when informed to him he might even reward you with something valuable too...… In short, the kid will die by my hand!!!!" and started laughing maniacally.

Staring at him for a bit Adam let out a sign and began mumbling

"A plan…. we need a plan" and then looking towards Mathew the holy Knight he asked

"You see him does his darkness resembles that darkness, or darkness of Goddess of Darkness attribute like??"

Mathew replied with a sly smile,

"No it did not, if it was like that I would have known. Wouldn't it be easier to frame this little kid with the new kind of darkness inside him as Evil??"

Putting his hand on his head High priest said

"A rite of mercy you are suggesting we frame him as evil and kill him as a rite of mercy" as soon as he said this Mathew started laughing loudly even someone who would be out of the room could hear his laugh and spoke

"That is why I find it easier to take help from you brother Adam, you just get what I mean" smiling slyly he continued

"It will be pretty easy you know, that kid has darkness since birth it means it will be reflected in his status, we just need to have his status checked in front of everyone and at the smallest hint of darkness declare him evil and I will execute him"

"We can say you visited the town during festival cause Goddess warned the Holy knight of birth of Evil which can cause chaos here!!. And you can say you doubt the kid and sense evil in him hehheeheehe." Adam said while grinning and seeing the eyes of each other nodding they spoke together

""It is cause we both are holy people""

"We can demand to check his status!!. And then he will be in my jaws" said Mathew while his hand was shaking at the dream of power, he will get his hand on.

"And we can give mercy of life to Viscount's family in exchange for simply giving away the Evil baby's life. I doubt they will want to go against the church for the life of a kid who was just born while having this many responsibilities. And letting them live would not turn it into a big issue" Adam said while grinning.

And then with a nostalgic and sad look, Mathew said

"Yes, who would care for a kid? Who was only alive for 50 days even we were given away to a doomed fate" seeing him like this Adam stood up, pats Mathew shoulder with almost looking like a grandfather said with a warm smile and cold looking eyes

"Do not be sad remembering past Mathew, tonight we will get closer to revenge and kill variable too. Be happy" at this Mathew laughed loudly like he has seen the biggest joke of the century and spoke

"You fuc*** act like that in front of those who do not know you, I sure am happy today I will also get revenge on that Viscount too who stopped my holiness Last time!!!"

"Yes, be ready for your performance chosen Holy knight sir. I will go see today's star the baby now and set up the stage for today's Holy justice"

At this Holy knight just kept laughing hard as the High priest leave the room

This is how the not-so Holy planning comes to an end.