The Night of the Festival and Chaos #2

Everyone was dead silent as if someone has sucked words out of everyone's throats. Breaking this silence, a citizen who looked a bit fat shouted

"A Demon!!!, Is lord's son a demon,"

Following him, the crowd gets noisy. Everyone was saying various things

"How can it be?"

"What is a Demon God!!?, Demons worship Goddess of Darkness right?!"

"Is he a newly appeared God-like Evil God!!!"

And various things were being spoken. But Ryu's attention was focused on the status screen because few things there were written in earth's language and also because he couldn't read half of the things due to not knowing this world language he thought.

'Is this Demon God blessing something due to fusing with Mictian? That Goddess really scammed me with half-assed info. That is why she was hurrying!'

Ryu was very scared as what was going to happen will be bad. He was somehow holding back tears as he read the part he can understand

'[Title: A foreign darkness- A being who is born while carrying the darkness attribute which is completely foreign to the world and shouldn't exist, By the effect of Title the light attribute within a set radius will increase in intensity to balance darkness, the Title contain the potential of evolving]'

Reading this, Ryu was a bit thankful knowing that Holy knight could not read it but he did not know this wouldn't do any difference. Ralph, while looking status screen, was shocked but only one thing was in his mind

'I have to protect my son.'

The Holy knight who was most shocked at the result of the status check was thinking while holding his sword was thinking

'He can not be left alive, he is a bigger variable than I initially think a double [SS] blessing of an unknown God it is just like he is chosen apostle of that God and I could not even read what that title is, I have to kill him and also who knows what kind of Title killing a being with Max blessing of an unknown God will give, I will report it to him later'

As he thought this, he pulled his sword out of the ground and moved towards the center of the stage, and announced while emitting silver mana out of his body

"People of town Epnir, it is proven this kid is an apostle of The Demon God, we know Demon is enemy of human and worship Goddess of darkness but what is Demon God it could be the real name of The Evil God or he could be a partner to him, I in the name of Goddess of Light will kill this seed of Evil before it spreads its roots"

At this people started shouting and cheering demanding Ryu's death because many people lost their important people during the Demon-Human war that take place 50 years before. Only a few people were still discussing how he was not rejected by Holy Orb.

All the three mages rushed towards the stage while this commotion was happening in case their need arise all of them had different thoughts.

'Young master evil, this Holy knight is out of mind. I will push him back if I have to' Yuna thought

'A demon..... he… a. demon' cable was thinking

'I will protect baby,' Snow was thinking

While they reach the stage, they see Lina was sitting face down emitting an Aura that makes her seem dangerous. Aiena was crying

"will they kill young master…… papa..I.told…" and she kept weeping while hugging Helena and Kyle was saying

"We have to protect ourselves. The church could declare us Demonic!!!"

And they all just stand beside because they all were feeling the dangerous mana that Lina was emitting. While this was happening, Holy Knight moved towards Ryu and Ralph, who were surrounded by the barrier, and said with a sly smile,

"Open the barrier Lord, you know he has to die,"

Seeing him smiling at their misery, Ralph shouted,

"Stop this bullshit, Holy knight. My kid is not rejected by the orb, and what kind of quick justice is this Goddess have mercy for kids? My baby is not Evil,"

Hearing this, The Holy knight smiled almost maniacally before turning toward the crowd and shouting

"Do Demons deserve mercy?"

To this, the crowd reply

"No!!, kill him"

"Kill this source of evil!!!"

"Protect us... Holy knight sir,"

He moved back towards Ralph and spoke in a cold voice

"See lord there is no mercy for demons, even if I want to show mercy as Holy Knight of Light Goddess. I can not let someone Blessed by God who can be Evil God or His partner. If you resist further, you will be enemy of the church,"

"Do whatever you want [Multiple Barrier], O Wind great and fast surround us by your speed and might, wind barrier,"

As soon as Ralph said this, the barrier surrounding them changed. A barrier of wind also appeared outside of the barrier, Paladins were confused about what to do and the priests had already escaped the room seeing the chaos and then Holy Knight shouted towards crowed

"The Lord is charmed by the hidden skill of Demon God's apostle; he cannot think straight. I have to kill the baby forcibly," as he finished saying this, he raised his sword high and spoke

"By the power bestowed by Light Goddess [silver flame slash]" as soon as he swings his sword down the whole place was filled with light but it was not the color of his swords silver flames it was a crimson color and the expression on Ralph's face was not of fear but pity and when Holy Knight looked back, he sees the source of Light.

Crimson Colored flames everywhere above their heads and Lina on the stage whose hands were up emitting the mana, which seems it can go on for hours. With an angry look in her eyes, she shouted,

"NO ONE WILL TOUCH MY BABY!!" as soon as she says this, all the Crimson Flames become brighter, even Aiena, who was always being spoiled by her, took a few steps back. The Holy knight looked toward her with a troubled expression, thinking

'She, she is Lina of Crimson flames… Dungeon alone.'

Everyone has heard about her as a mage who can control Crimson Flames as easily as if she is breathing. It is not chant-less magic or a Skill from the status. A mage who was so intimate with Flames that her mana become one with Crimson Flames, someone who was supposed to have gone missing 5 years ago.

Who could have expected she was the gentle and warm Viscountess they know, seeing her as this chaos ensues in the crowd, everyone was afraid of Lina who suddenly summoned crimson flames and was making them hotter and brighter. Holy Knight could not understand what to do while Kyle was on his knees begging his daughter to stop

"No more daughter… please..stop" but his words fall into deaf ears and Lina shouted again

"GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!!!" while moving all the Crimson Flames towards Holy Knight and High Priest's head and Ryu was thinking

'Mom, she is getting troubled because of me. She is doing it for me. Why is my existence being a curse for her? Why Goddess!!!' he wanted to shout but he could not and the Goddess who he was shouting to could not hear his words now.

Only one person was still able to think properly in this chaos, the High priest. He moved towards Ralph and spoke

"Stop her Lord Viscount, at this rate, not just us even citizens, and Church itself might get damaged,"

To him, who speak like that, Ralph just snorted and spoke

"She just wants her baby, even I cannot stop those crimson flames this time" understanding what he meant, the High priest moved towards Holy Knight and ask him to back off to which Holy knight spoke

"I can take that b**ch of crimson flames!!, just leave it to me!"

"Did you forget our plan included giving them a rite of mercy so we did not turn it into a big situation?" The high priest said while pulling Holy Knight's cape.

"But the child is more than what we expected," Holy Knight said

"Hurrying won't do any good. Mathew, just go with a plan. Even if you could take her, not all of us could, she is also aiming for me,"

And finally, Holy Knight moved away from Ralph and Ryu and High Priest started announcing while still being scared of flames

"After seeing the pain of a mother whose child turns out to be Evil" as he said, this flame grazes him so he changed his words

"Blessed by Demon God. I by the will of Goddess have decided to give a rite of mercy no one in the family of Viscount will be punished for housing evil and Viscountess can celebrate the sight of Brightest Star-forming in the sky with her baby but after that, they will have to come exactly after three hours and twenty minutes to give baby for sacrifice otherwise they will be declared heretics"

As he was announcing this, Ralph had moved back to the stage and he gave Ryu to Lina, who hugged him tightly and kept crying, not hearing anything that was being said and High Priest continued speaking with a fatherly smile

"Once you are declared Heretic, you will have no place in kingdom Viscount, And Head of Vanir house, you should see of your daughter's action"

Kyle shrugged at this and Ralph was just thinking about what they will do once they reach home back.

Ryu, while being hugged by Lina, finally broke out crying too

'Why….me… why she has to suffer due to me, why am I declared evil? What kind of court is this!!??'

No one said a word when everyone on stage left the Church. They were afraid that if they angered Lina, they will face crimson Flames on the spot for the same reason no one opposed the rite of mercy proposed by the High priest.