Daily Life in the New Home

Ryu's Pov~

It has been 2 months since we started living in this Zerah Village. We had dinner over at Village Chief the day before yesterday for neighbors to get to know each other better. He is a kind, humble person but there is a hint of mystery in him.

The house we got is a wooden house a bit smaller than maid house back at the mansion where I had only been 4-5 times, the house got a hall with a kitchen attached to it without any wall separating them, there are two bedrooms on the second floor, the washroom and bathroom are in the little garden behind the house which is filled with little grass and few plants. Overall the house can be called humble and warm even though it cannot compare to the mansion.

Right now, I am in Aiena's arms who is giving me a tour of the house yet again don't know why but she enjoys giving me a walk of the whole house every morning. She was about to take me to the garden but a voice come from behind

"Aiena, it's about the time for church school have your breakfast," Mom said while putting her hand on Aiena's shoulder

"Lina sis only garden is left, just 5 mins" Aiena pleaded with shining eyes

"Okay, but hurry up Lana and Hina already had their breakfast they are waiting for you," Mom told Aiena while giving her a pat on the back and then she carrying me walked towards the back door, Aiena had started going to Church school here maybe it is because the God here is different or she came to know truth from Light Goddess but she is calm with the idea of going to Church school.

After walking around in the small garden Aiena took me back inside after having breakfast she said

"I'll be back soon" as she hands me over to Lina

Hina and Lina both said "we will be back soon" as they leave along with Aiena, Hina too was hired in church as Lina who visited Church to teach regularly was asked by Priestess to meet Hina, she took me with her and Lina as mental reinforcement and to keep her calm their talk went like this

"Sorry, for requesting to meet so suddenly," Priestess said while feeling a bit nervous due to Hina's elegance and the air around her but again it was broken as soon as she opened her mouth to speak

"No worries, no worries I was just chilling and thinking what I can do," Hina said in a loud voice almost as if she is shouting then Priestess got stunned again by the gap in her air and her behavior, even I wanted to shout

'Act how you look for once!!' if I could. Then priestess asked her after she calmed down

"What do you mean what can you do?? Are you looking for a job"?

"Yes, I am, I want to work so I can earn a bit for my family," Hina said with a confident look

Then she and Priestess talked for a bit and Priestess came to know about Hina's love for children, that she knows a lot of ways to play, and also how she had learned many good things and also well versed in the etiquette of Nobel and other places, after knowing this much Priestess was looking at Hina with a determined look and I thought

'She is going try hiring her' Priestess's eyes were shining that even a dumb person could know her intentions then she asked Hina

"You were looking for a job, right?? Would you like to work for church too?"

"Ehh?? What kind of work can I do in church??" Hina asked back with

"Actually we are short-handed on people, including me there are only 2 priestesses and 2 priests in the church because it is a small one in the village, but due to being an Adventurer Village there are many orphans in the orphanage of church and there will be more in future sadly, we can ask for your hand in Orphanage and I was wondering if you could teach them things you know in Church school"

After a bit more discussion they agree upon Hina's employment, that is how this arrangement of Hina, Lina, and Aiena leaving together in the morning come to being, although I still believe that making Hina teach etiquette is a bad idea.

Lina and Hina both teach in the church school in the morning and after that go to the orphanage behind church play with children there and take care of them till evening. They both are paid in 5 silver coins a month for teaching and the also church gives them rations of rice and vegetables for help in the orphanage.

Now that they all leave for school,

"Good morning," Snow said as she come down the stared and standing in front of Mom and me asked her

"Good morning, Snow was quest yesterday exhausting?" Mom asked her out of concern even I was a bit worried for her because she complete multiple Quest with multiple parties every day come back home late and after playing with me a bit goes straight to sleeping and wake up late. I want to tell her

'Take it easy, don't be over exhausted' but I can't speak so I wait for my turn, Snow asked Mom

"Baby, can I hold?" and Mom passed me over to her and as she sat with me in her arm mom start setting up her breakfast while Snow was spoiling me and I pat her head out of concern.

Once her breakfast was over Snow pass me over to Mom and spoke

"Will be back" and I wave my hand to see her off and Mom said

"Be safe and out of danger, don't overwork yourself!! I will be angry if you are hurt" and Snow just nod a bit and went off. After this I and mom take a nap, this is also a part of our daily life here, Mom had assumed the role of a housemaker and take care of most of the housework. even though Lana and Hina tried to help with most of it, but Mom make them stop and keep their help to a minimum because they were already working hard on their jobs.

In the end, it was decided they will clean their room and clothes themselves, then Mom wakes up before Aiena come back home. After Aiena is done with eating brunch she came towards me and picked me up in her arms

"Let's go, Young master…..I mean Ryu" Aiena said cheerfully

I put both of my hands up showing my excitement. This was one of the most enjoyable times of my day, after Aiena is back from school, she and I will go to Village Chief's house garden, he will always give Aiena snacks and tell us very exciting tales about his time as an adventurer. Aiena run towards the Village Chief house

"Welcome Aiena, Ryu" The old village chief welcomed us ready with snacks

"Good afternoon, Grandpa Chief," Aiena said with a smile, and after that Grandpa Chief, tell her to sit. as Aiena eat snacks he will tell us the exciting and informative stories about his time as Adventurer, whenever he will tell something very important, he will look at me and smile at me, that makes me suspicious about him but not in a bad way,

Sun was starting to go down, and then Aiena said to the grandpa chief with a bright smile

"Chief Grandpa, we will leave now it is getting late, thanks for the story and snacks"

"It is always nice to tell stories to you, Aiena and Ryu are perfect grandkids for old me….wait for a few minutes," The Grandpa chief said with a smile as he goes inside the house. After waiting for 5 minutes he came back with a bag filled with Oranges and spoke

"I got too many from somewhere, take these with you they are tasty"

"Thanks for Oranges, Grandpa see you tomorrow," Aiena said as she waved to him with me in her arms, then she rushed back to our house carrying me I thought

'Am I too lenient on her, should be running while carrying a baby' Once we reached our house, Lana and Hina were sitting at the dining table in the living room

"Welcome back Aiena," Lana said

"Aiena Welcome, give me Ryu I want to play!!!" Hina said while moving her hands. Aiena said

"I am back Lana sis, Hina sis" Then giving me to them she said

"I will go give oranges Grandpa chief gave to me, to Lina sis"

"Oranges, sound tasty I'll eat a few after dinner!!!" Hina said cheerfully and after Aiena went to the kitchen, Hina and Lana placed me on the dining table and started playing with me. I play along as well they are working hard every day after all, but Hina pulling my cheeks is irritating she pulls too hard, I wanted to shout

'Will you feel good if your cheeks get violated!!!' but I couldn't, as they keep playing the sun has gone down, Mom had set up the dining table with food but everyone was sitting and waiting without touching any food and it was a few hours away from mid-night when Snow return to home from quest she said

"Am back" as she entered the living room and everyone said,

"Welcome back!!" I also give a wave to her and Snow asked

"Food didn't eat again", Lina answered her question like every day with a warm smile

"A family should always eat together, isn't it right"

And then Snow joined us at the dining table after saying their prayers everyone began to eat. After they finish eating time for my real job, they will all play with me together to calm down, Snow will pat my blue hairs and others will play too, Aiena and Hina were playing the hand-clapping game.

Once, everyone is exhausted we will all go for sleeping as there are only two bedrooms with two beds Aiena, Lina, and I will share one bed or Aiena will share with Lana or Hina. Lina and Snow sleep in one room with me and in another Lana and Hina sleep. I sleep later than everyone else, I think about the stories told by Grandpa Chief.

It is a Good night for all of us.