A Meeting for Marriage

The Home was enveloped in a cheerful atmosphere; the sun hasn't risen yet, but still, everyone was awake and doing various works enthusiastically so that the house looks presentable.

Lina was cleaning the house and dusting the curtains, Lana and Hina were making snacks in the kitchen area, Snow was enthusiastically but slowly wiping the dining table with a cloth

"Uuu, I feel left out Ryu, those people are not letting me do anything," Hina said to Ryu who was with her in the room because both of them were not allowed any work, Ryu because he is 3-years-old and Hina was told to wait as today is a big day especially for her,

'As if telling a 3-year-old will help! Well, let's do something. Just sitting around is boring for me too' thought Ryu,

"Let's play Hina sister," Ryu said to Hina, who put her finger on her chin and thought hard about what to play while Ryu thought

'Man, if she was in our class back in our school, she would be super popular with her elegance, looks at least.'

Hina, after thinking a lot, answered

"Let's play something with less noise, or Lana will scold us"

"Drawing, sticks, clap clap?? Which one?" Ryu asked Hina, these were all the quiet games he and Aiena play clap clap is a game where they clap each other's hand while singing a song and sticks was a game similar to Jenga in Ryu's past life played with wooden sticks here,

"Let's play drawing, sticks are in Garden and if I go through there Lana will tease me again!!" Hina said with a pout but it is not really her fault since last night Lina had been teasing her mercilessly on marriage topic, even Ryu was shocked and thought

'Lana sure got a sadistic side to her.'

Even when Hina tried to Help with cooking earlier, Lina answered with a teasing smile

"You will have chances to cook for them throughout your life. Let others do it for now right?"

Then Ryu proudly stand, looked at Hina, and spoke

"I will bring sticks!!" in his mind it was an awesome & cool declaration, but he forgot he is just a 3-year-old, and Hina said while patting his head

"Make sure not to rush on stairs, okay, otherwise you will fall like last time" as Hina warned Ryu have fallen twice before from stairs because of rushing down the stairs, in actuality Ryu was trying to train for a skill called [Rush] he heard from Village Chief,

But he couldn't. There are the type of skills that can be learned from practice and fulfilling conditions required to learn them,

"I will go slowly," Ryu said with a pout to Hina and leave the room he thought

'And here I thought I was acting cool for a 3-year-old' as he walks down the stairs,

He saw Snow wiping the dining table with table cloth slowly with enthusiasm and he thought

'Isn't there a glyph or spell to clean stuff instantly, well I guess Magic isn't all round' and then wave at Snow, she waved back smiling if it was any other day she would've played with Ryu as soon as she spotted him but today, she was focused on her task,

And then Ryu walked to the Kitchen area where Aiena and Lana were cooking and spotting him, Aiena said,

"Ryu, do you want to eat some patate frytaki" as she presented a plate to him

"Yes!!, they are tasty" Ryu replied instantly because the snack called Patate frytaki in this world of Pefrion is just Fries from his world,

'Who in their right mind will say no to fries!!' Ryu thoughts as he eats all of those fries and Lana said

"Ryu sure like frytaki, but be sure to not eat too many or you will get too chubby" with a look of despair in her eyes because even though she said this after Ryu it was Lana who likes fries the most but couldn't eat much due to worries about gaining weight,

"But Church vegetables sure are best, even store potatoes don't taste this good as Patate frytaki," said Lina, who was entering the Kitchen area

"The cleaning is all done leaving dining table and chairs which Snow insisted she will do herself" she added and everyone turned their faces towards Snow who had just finished with the table and was cleaning chairs now she was doing it so enthusiastically that no one could find in their heart to tell her to stop so someone else could do it faster,

'All the best, Snow' Ryu thought before he got out to the garden, getting Lina to open the door for him by pulling at her hand,

Sun was still not up, but the sky was starting to turn a bit bluer, and Ryu noticed something which caught his interest instantly. He went towards it and sat beside it was a small anthill that was not there yesterday and Ryu thought

'This is a perfect chance,' and he looked around to see Lina had left, he picked a chalk-like stone and drew a glyph on a leaf, it was a glyph he saw Lina used to freeze a bit of water to make ice cubes,

he then made another Glyph on his hand as he channels his mana to both of the Glyph water comes out of his hand it wasn't at high pressure like a [Water Ball] or something it was more of like low-pressure tap water and then the frost glyph freeze the water as it falls on the anthill,

"I pray you to have better next life," said Ryu as he kills them. There were two reasons behind killing the ants and removing the anthill:

First, he heard tales from the Village chief and come to know everyone gains experience from killing those who are not of their species and the experience gained depends upon many factors,

like the strength gap between those beings, the way of killing and if in a party many other things, looking at the first point Ryu come up with the conclusion that him killing the little ants would be equal to a 12 y/o killing one of the lower-ranked monsters which are easy to kill,

there are many other ways one gain experience, even regular life work, and practice gives one experience, but killing is the fastest way,

Second, even if Ryu did not kill them anyone who noticed them from family would've gotten Anthill removed, most probably it would be by Snow using earth magic to crush it and Ants with it, either way, it would be the death of ants so he thought about making most out of it,

After finishing the ants, he pours some more water to flatten the ground. Ryu has killed insects and stuff like spiders for sake of experience because the more experience he gains at a younger age, the more growth potential and skills will be increased,

he came to this conclusion after listening to Village Chief's stories. There are many more things he came to know which will be revealed further,

"Ryu!!, Hina is calling for you to hurry up!!" Lina shouted from inside

Ryu picked up the sticks and rushes back to Hina. Aiena followed him and hold his hands on the stairs, Soon they were with Hina and played Sticks Jenga

"Hina, big sister, it is cheating!!" said Aiena with a pout

"I do not remember since when leaving one stick on a level is cheating!" said Hina with a teasing smile

"But it is unfair, you know Ryu is little" Aiena protested, what happened was that it was Ryu's turn to pull the stick next but Hina pulled out second last stick of one whole level so it would be near impossible for a 3-year-old to pull a stick without making it fall,

"It is good to learn how to deal with losing at a young age," said Hina with a smirk, Ryu thought

'Now I know how Naho felt when I was flexing on her just because being older in last life!!"

And then he knocked out a stick by striking it using his two fingers and the stick come out of another side without Jenga falling and in shock, Hina asked,

"Where do you learn this way of removing stick!!!" she was shocked because she was the one who taught Hina and Ryu this game, and it was Aiena's turn but before the game could continue Lina's voice come from downstairs informing them, the guest had arrived and Aiena rushed before both Hina and Ryu she thought

'I am saved!! ' because she was bound to lose in her turn. Hina, carrying Ryu in her arms, followed behind her,

They reached the dining table where Village chief and Geld were already seated

"Good morning, Ryu, good morning Hina," said the Village chief with a smile

"Good morning, Grandpa Chief," said Ryu in a cheerful voice. He got well along with the Village chief and he feel like he really was his grandfather with stories and teachings

"Good morning, Chief Uncle," said Hina in a low voice, then looking towards Geld she waved her hand a bit, then Lina who was sitting on the opposite side of Village chief and Geld on the table gestured her to sit with her,

Lana with Snow brings the snacks from the kitchen and put them on the table

"I know it is early morning, so we hope after this we can have Breakfast together too," said Lana

"Sure, I will enjoy some nice cooking finally," said Village Chief with a smile then he looked towards Lina

"My son has fallen in love with your cousin Hina and told me he confessed recently and it was accepted, as head of your family we have come to get your permission to welcome her in our family too and become relatives, although Hina are you sure?? as beautiful as you are you can get someone way better," said Village chief with a smile

"That last part was unnecessary father!!" said Geld and everyone couldn't help but laugh at this. Hina was the only one blushing, She said in a low, voice

"Geld is the best one for me"

After that everyone leaving Geld and Hina laughed, even Snow was giggling while putting her hand on her mouth.

"We are fine with marriage, but before that, there are some things about us you must know," said Lina with a serious face, and then she told Aiena to take Ryu to the garden.

-To be continued