Aiena's Miracle awakening

It has been two years since Hina's marriage, Ryu had turned 5 years old and started going to church school with Aiena who had turned 15 years old now, her once cute childish looks are developed into that of a pretty teenager the wavy hairs which once reached till her waist only reach her shoulders now, her way of talking is a bit more refined and but her personality itself hasn't changed much but certain things changed for sure,

"I never thought Aiena would have a talent for miracle attribute," Lina said as she was serving the breakfast,

"I too am surprised Lina big sister, I did not even realize at the first time I channeled it," Aiena answered while looking embarrassed,

"We are happy you still decided to practice using it, despite not wanting to be priestess," Lana said as Lina was sitting.

"I do not want to be a priestess, I do not even know which Goddess awakened my attribute, I am not faithful to any Goddess in the first place," Aiena said as she petted Ryu sitting beside her

'I never expected me being injured would bring out her latent talent'

The time goes back to 5 days,

Ryu was practicing sword along with other orphanage boys,

"Ryu you are still only 5 years old, I am learning swords from Geld big brother since I was 8, I won't lose to a kid," Kit now 16 years old proclaimed to Ryu, with no shame about doing his best against a 5-year-old,

"You will lose for sure because you are already doing fouls" Ryu answered back as he slashed the wooden sword towards Kit's feet.

In actuality, Kit had already left Church school and Orphanage two years before when he turned 14 and started making a living as one of the adventurers in a rookie party formed mostly of graduated Church students and orphanage children.

He visits the Orphanage to teach children swordsmanship he learned from Geld and is learning through his own experience. Although his style is not that of a professional martial artist, it is effective for self-defense and attack.

The Village is steps away from becoming a town. That is why Geld had become busier and can only visit the Orphanage 2 days a week, so Kit visiting and teaching had become more often than before,

"What foul!? it doesn't count because my sword did not touch you,"

"Is this the way adventurers act against 5 years old," Ryu said, as he thought, 'What is his level anyway!? I bet if I use glyph, I can make him fall'

"You are just a kid, I am just teaching you for your good," said Kit as he slashes the wooden sword towards Ryu's head, making sure to not actually hit him.

Ryu and Kit mostly practice together because the children around Ryu's age are just begging to learn the sword, but Ryu learned it faster while watching Geld teaching and practicing diligently with the white dagger he was finally allowed to carry around by his mother.

Unknown to others Ryu had already attained the [Slash] skill which is a swordsman skill with the simplest attaining condition by slashing 150000 and killing 5 beings by slashing, Ryu gained it by diligently slashing regularly more than 1000 times and he even found and killed 4 Rats that were giving problem to Village Chief in his house,

[Slash] skill is a simple skill that covers the sword blade in a thin film of mana and gives the blade temporary increased sharpness and thrust, which lasts for one slash and takes mana to caste.

"Aiena won't find it cool too. Think about it. What kind of bravery are you showing fighting someone not even half of your age in an unfair manner??" spoke Ryu,

"Why are you bringing her in between you little brat!!?" scoffed Kit while blushing.

"She isn't even seeing us practice since you started fighting what could be the reason??" Ryu said with a grin, unlike with others Ryu talked to Kit without worrying about his way of speaking and other stuff like caring to match his age he thought

'Who cares? This idiot never once doubted anything, even when I pranked him with glyphs 10 times'

"She is just busy playing with her friends," Kit replied while thrusting his sword towards Ryu's shoulder, who replied

"Maybe she just finds it troublesome to look…" before Ryu could speak any further, he noticed that his arm was stabbed by a wooden sword and he was down on the ground, his arm full of pain,

Apparently Kit reflexively used a sword skill luckily for Ryu. He attacked towards the arm, the surrounding was quiet for a second before blood started coming from Ryu's little arm,

"I am sorry Ryu, I did not…" Kit spoke as he came back to his senses at what he had done and other kids staring were panicking. Ryu was thinking

'You bastard, what in the hell can you not take a kid's joke? Hell it hurts too much my hand feel cold'

Ryu was clenching his teeth hard due to pain, and a shouting resounds

"Ryu!!!" Aiena came running towards Ryu and Kit while Kit tried to explain panicking

"I did not do it intentionally. I just got this skill, and it is hard to control, it is not life-threatening, it just and I wasn't noticing…" but before he could continue explaining or anything else Aiena shouted at him

"Go away, don't talk to me!!!" as she picked up Ryu in her arms, crying she rushed inside the Orphanage building to find Priestess

"You will be okay Ryu; you will be okay… I won't let anything happen to you!!" as she rushed inside the corridor of the orphanage when Ryu noticed, Aiena was surrounded by a thin film of mana flowing from her surrounding him, the same color as her blond hair it seems to be flowing inside him and she spoke

"Ryu, the bleeding would stop!!" as she was walking towards the Orphanage kitchen where Priestess was,

But Ryu's wound was getting healed, the pain was subsiding and before long his arm, which was just slightly gazed and bleeding, was healed. He was trying to speak but whenever he tries to open his mouth,

"No need to put pressure on yourself, Ryu, you can talk after being healed by priestess" Aiena would stop him before he could speak, Ryu noticed that other children that were following them were also shocked by what had just happened but were too stunned to say anything,

"Aiena, what happened? what's with the rushing?" Priestess asked as Aiena, carrying Ryu, rushed towards her in the kitchen,

Lana, who was also standing beside her, noticed the blood on Ryu's clothes and asked while touching Ryu

"What happened? How did Ryu get this much blood on his clothes!!?"

"Lana big sister, Kit hit him while practicing" Aiena spoke and then pushed Ryu to Priestess she asked

"Please heal Ryu!! He bleeds too much" but as soon as Priestess took Ryu in her arms, she was shocked, because she could feel a miracle attribute of magic already being performed on Ryu

"Ryu, show me the injury?" Priestess asked as she placed Ryu who was looking as healthy as ever just with blood on his clothes, and Ryu moved his hand that was hit towards Priestess. There was no injury,

"How? I was sure he was bleeding from there. I saw that," Aiena said surprised as she checked on Ryu, leaving blood on his clothes. There was no injury,

"Aiena, you were shining in golden color," a girl who was standing behind spoke,

"Yes, Aiena, how did you do that?? We were shocked," another girl said,

Then Priestess asked, turning towards Ryu with a curious gaze,

"When did your injury heal??"

"When Aiena was shining," Ryu answered while tilting his head as he said this. Hearing the answer she was expecting, she turned towards Aiena nd asked with shining eyes,

"Aiena, are you devoted to any Goddess or God? I never saw you pray leaving ceremonies before. "

To this Aiena moved her head in denial, she was not especially devoted to any God or Goddesses, children were talking about how she shined and stuff, Kit was standing behind waiting for his scolding with lowered head although he was relieved that Ryu was healed, and Lana was checking up on Ryu,

Aiena and Priestess were in an unbreaking gaze priestess was thinking

'How could it be Miracle attribute without being devoted… is she...' and she spoke while holding both of Aiena's shoulder

"Aiena, do you want to be a priestess??"

"No…?" Aiena could only reply this at the sudden question,

Then Priestess began explaining how Ryu's injury disappear, apparently according to her the injury must be harmless despite the amount of blood because it got healed instantly by Aiena's awakening to Miracle attribute and casting small heal spell instinctively, although there were a lot of points Ryu wants to retort at he thought

'Miracles are also chant or prayer bound right?? Will no one discuss that she didn't even chant??'

Seeing this as a chance, Kit started explaining in a hurried manner

"See, I told you the injury was harmless!! It is a salvaged skill called [Intimidation shot] it is a skill that is just used to intimidate opponents without permanently harming them. I got it a while back and couldn't control properly and misfired it on my instinct…"

"Be quiet… why would you want to intimidate Ryu?? What have kid this small done to you?" Lana asked in a cold voice and Aiena too added in a scolding voice

"Why would you misfire on a baby because of instinct!!? You should stop teaching then!!" and Kit again lowered his head but suddenly felt a hand behind his head lowering him further,

Priestess had pushed kit's head lowered, and she lowered her head too and spoke

"I am sorry for this one mistake; I am the one as Orphanage head caretaker who is responsible for his upbringing and I am sure he did it by mistake…" then moving her face towards Kit, she added.

"Apologize, it is the first thing you do when you are wrong" and Kit complied with a low sad voice apologizing, Lana spoke then

"Being a caretaker of Orphanage myself, I know Kit isn't a bad boy it is just I was angry for Ryu's sake…" and then turning towards Kit she added

"You are lucky Snow isn't here… god knows how angry she would've been"

Kit gulped, there was no one in the town by now who doesn't know about Snow who has already become a B-ranked adventurer and hung out with an A-ranked party for quests occasionally although never becoming a permanent member of them.

After that Priestess ensured that she will send him later to apologize formally at their house, and then after sending they had a long chat about Aiena awakening to Miracle attribute and not knowing what Goddess or God she is devoted to and what God give her grasp of Miracle attribute,

"I believe she should become a priestess devoted to God of valor," Priestess said,

"No!!! I do not want to be priestess," Aiena retorted heavily while shaking her hands,

-To be continued