The Distance and The Test

Jue's pov

"Big brother, you'll take me with you, right?" I asked the big brother. My voice was a bit low as I knew that the chances of rejection are, higher but I still need to have an answer,

He looked troubled. I was trying my best to be ready for when big brother will leave for adventure so I can join him,

"Big brother…" I was about to ask him again, but before I could, a voice came from behind,

"Ryu!! Jue!! Come let's go home. Lina big sister told me we all will be having food at our place tonight" Aiena big sister said as she came running towards us, and big brother spoke.

"Ahh it is getting late; mom will be making patate frytaki. I do not want it cold!!" he smiled as we started walking out towards the home. I wanted to have an answer but I was afraid of rejection,

Once we reach home, I saw the table was filled with various tasty dishes similar to my and big brother's birthday parties,

'Is today someone's birthday?' I jog my memory but no one's birthday came between Ryu big brother's birthday and the brightest star festival,

"Good evening, Lina auntie," I said as I notice her coming from the kitchen with a big plate full of patate frytaki,

"Good evening Jue. Did you have fun today?" she asked as she ruffled my hair.

"It all looks tasty, mom!! Can I begin right away" the big brother said as he sat on his seat at the dining table while staring at the food intently.

"Ryu, I know patate frytaki is your favourite but wait for others. We should eat after informing others of good news, right?"

"Just one!!" Ryu big brother said as he eats a piece of patate frytaki, and then one more saying this one is final, soon Lana, auntie, and Aiena sister too sat down,

"Jue, can you bring Chief uncle, Geld, and Hina as dinner is ready?" Lina auntie asked, and I nodded as I went out towards my home, wondering what good news Lina auntie is looking so happy about.

I went inside the house. Luckily mom, dad, and grandpa were sitting in the living room right after entering the door,

"Lina auntie said food is ready, let's go," I said, and all of them stared at me for a while before they say,

"Yes, we are coming, you go ahead," father said with a troubled look, I wondered why he told me to go ahead but I did as I was told and went ahead, the expression on his face was kind of similar to when I came home carrying Ryu big brother on my back it is a warm, sad but at the same time happy memory I was saved by the big brother that day,

"Jue, where are others?" Lina auntie asked, and I replied,

"They will be here in a while," I answered and went to sit at my place. Lina auntie too stared at my back for a bit before she also sat down.

After 15 mins or so, father, mother, and Grandpa came,

"Lina big sister! I was already thinking of eating together, you read my mind!!" Mom said as she hugged Lina auntie from behind soon everyone settles down,

Lina auntie looked at everyone and say,

"Everyone!! Thanks for joining the dinner tonight,"

"It is our pleasure Lina, your and Lana's cooking is always tasty" Grandpa answered. Mom pouted a bit as she speaks in a low voice,

"Even though… I taught them both cooking" ignoring mom Lina auntie continued,

"So, the reason behind today's feast is…." And silence she looked at each of our faces, I am sure I was far from hiding curiosity and even spoke,

"What?" and she answered with a warm and happy smile,

"Ryu had become an archmage!!" she clapped and others followed, but father was shocked,

"Archmage!? This soon without any teacher for 2 years even if it is Ryu, it is near impossible" he looked at big brother expectantly, big brother sighed and said,

"Only once okay" and suddenly even I who have the least sense for mana could feel the pressure of mana on me, it was flowing out of big brother as it was dense father's shocked face was replaced with a baffled look and for me, my mind went blank,

'The distance among us doubled again… I wanted to go with big brother' a tear was about to roll down my cheek but I held back everyone was praising big brother, I did too but I cannot suppress this feeling of distance I was feeling,

'No matter how fast I try, I am always far…' I thought as I eat food with my head full of thoughts,

"Jue it is curry!!" someone shouted and I come to my senses. I was about to put my hand into the hot curry pot instead of the bread stand,

"Thanks, Lana auntie," I said and finished my dinner. I wasn't feeling like eating much so I ended before anyone else,

"Jue, I am also done. What do you say want to take a walk with me before these people finish their dinner?" Grandpa asked suddenly, and I nodded.

We both went to our home garden for taking a walk. After taking two rounds Grandpa asked me,

"Jue, are you okay?"

"I am okay Grandpa" I answered,

"Your father and mom were concerned you are not behaving like usual today. Did something happen?" he asked again as he patted my back.

"I am behaving normal, no?" I asked back, as I did not want to trouble grandpa with my selfishness,

"Do not lie to me Jue. I've seen you since you were wetting your underwear, usually if you were sent to call us you would've shouted from outside instead of coming inside," he answered, and I felt embarrassed and answered,

"It is nothing" when I said this my throat felt hoarse as my mind was still on the fact that big brother and my distance increased again,

'At this rate, there is… no cha..' before I could finish my thought, grandpa asked,

"Is it about Ryu?" and I was at a loss of words for what to reply when he patted my head,

"I know you've idolized him long since Jue… what happened, tell grandpa?" he asked me again and I couldn't hold back and tears started rolling down my eyes.

"I wanted to… go with… big brother.... adventuring with big brother was my dream," I said and he patted my back and say,

"So, what happened?"

"I asked big brother earlier when he told me he is going to leave soon…. I asked him if he will take me but… he did not answer and now he is an Archmage…" I wiped my tears as I remember every time, I spared with big brother never winning, every time I felt of him being my older brother, I do not want to part with him,

"I do not want to part with big brother!!! I want to tell him to take me with him!! I want to say I will work hard… but I know I will just be in his way due to our strength difference… I don't know what to do" my tears dried and grandpa hugged me lightly as he says,

"You worry too much Jue… little kids should not think this much if they want something, they should tell their grandpa…" he smiled at me,

"What should I do, grandfather?" I asked him in a low voice and he answered instantly,

"Go bring your big brother here," he said giving me a little push on the back, I went to call big brother with slow steps wondering if taking help from grandpa right, will it be too forceful but I shrugged it aside it doesn't matter this is a spark of hope, I had lost earlier today,

"Big brother Grandpa is calling you," I said as soon as I went inside Lina auntie's house,

"I see," he said with a frown as he stood up.

More silently than ever, we made our way toward grandpa chief,

"Ryu, I have something I need to talk about," Grandpa said to him as he gave me a small wink, they both got aside and had a private talk which I try to overhear but could not, they were talking as if assassins planning someone's murder, I was feeling tense wondering if grandpa would be able to convince him or not after 10 mins Ryu big brother and Grandpa come back,

And with a smile, Grandpa said, "Jue, there is good news and bad news"

I nodded, ready to hear whatever he'll say and he speaks further while looking toward a big brother.

"Ryu had decided he will take you with him when he will leave but there is a condition"

"Condition?" I asked with my mouth forming a big smile. Whatever condition it, was anything is acceptable big brother agreed to take me with him,

"Ryu will tell that better than me," Grandpa said as Ryu big brother stepped forward and spoke.

"Jue, there is a test to make sure if you are ready or not to go with me,"

"What test, big brother?" I was ready for anything as long as it meant I can prove that I am reliable and he answered with a serious expression,

"Before the night of the festival kill 12 mist crocs and 2 toxic crocs, if you can do that, I will take you with me for sure… grandpa chief will go to the forest with you just for your protection only the monster you kill will be counted… so what is your answer? You want it or not?"

My head was a mess at this test, mist crocs are something I could defeat with a bit above medium difficulty can even handle 2 at the same time but the toxic crocs I have only ever defeated one of them that too the one big brother had damaged a lot already,

I looked up at big brother and his gaze was clear he wasn't joking, but I knew big brother wasn't an unfair person he wouldn't give me an impossible test especially when grandpa is here, it means he believes I can make it somehow,

I need to prove myself, if this is what it takes to prove my reliability even if a bit,

"I am ready!! I will do it anyhow!!" I said with a resolved clear voice unlike before not low or shaking, this is my resolve I would be someone reliable and worthy of being the younger brother of big brother, even he killed Naga at a young age toxic croc are nothing,