Jue vs White Croc

In the innermost part of Zerah Forest, a battle was about to begin the attention of the Toxic croc was focused on the dead bodies of the mist croc bringing its tongue out and moving it in a fashion as if tasting the smell of mist crocs in air,

The Toxic croc looked towards the human child approaching him and made a face as if thinking of it as an irritation rather than a challenge,

"[Gravel Claw]" Jue shouted as he renewed his Gravel claws over knuckles toxic croc didn't even attempt to move as it had killed human adults very taller than Jue approaching him,

To the monster, Jue was nothing more than an easy meal rushing towards him.

As Jue jumped toward him, Toxic croc opened its mouth wide for biting him but that was the mistake it made. He should've attacked when it had the chance. As Jue closed down towards Toxic croc's open mouth he shouted loudly

"[Gravel Shot]!!" as he moved his hand towards toxic croc's eyes at a distance of a hair length from his mouth,

'It worked!!' Jue thought happily as the toxic croc shook his head violently due to suddenly losing its vision, which knocked Jue far towards the right, but Jue was still happy as he had just taken the sight of his opponent.

"You should've spat poison on me when you had a chance… thanks," Jue said calmly as he stood back on his feet, remembering when Ryu defeated Naga.

The toxic croc was still struggling due to not being able to see it spitted poison everywhere,

Looking for a bit at the toxic croc, Jue felt pity for the toxic croc, who was shaking in panic even though it was an enemy and death is only natural Jue has a side that wants mercy even for those he is killing.

'After all… I cannot be the same as a big brother in everything,' Jue thought as he sighed, and rushed towards toxic croc to finish it,

"[Ground loosening]!!" he used the skill, shouting its name when he reached the proper range. As soon as the skill showed its effect, the Toxic croc feet got sucked into the ground due to its heavyweight,

"[Ground solidification]" Jue said calmly and the ground around croc's feet got as hard as concrete. It was a new skill Jue gained a few months before,

Jue jumped upon the now blinded and stuck toxic croc used [Arm strengthening VII] and smashed right into its head crushing it instantly, purple blood splashing all over Jue's clothes.

"Rest in peace," Jue said calmly as he took a deep breath, finally killing his first toxic croc, just as Jue turned in direction of the Village chief happily Village chief shouted,

"Jue behind you!!" and Jue instantly used [Mud wall] skill as he rolled forward, and as he looked back at what was he warned against and what he saw shocked him,

A white-colored toxic croc with red eyes steam of poison came out of its nose and it was drooling poison from the side of its mouth with a claw mark over its eyes.

"Jue, back off! It is a unique monster!! It seems dangerous" the Village chief shouted but before Jue could answer back,

The White toxic croc came rushing towards Jue breaking through the mud wall with ease, Village chief did not move,

'Why did I make that promise!!' the village chief thought as he and Jue made a promise that the village chief would not intervene until Jue say so or if Jue was bleeding,

Jue rolled back narrowly avoiding the croc's bite but instead croc spat out poison Jue narrowly avoided the poison mist coming from the croc's nose was nauseating but it didn't have much effect due to practicing in Zerah forest Jue have developed passive poison resistance skill,

'I can ask for Grandpa to save me…. But' Jue was hesitant. He wanted to kill the monster he felt if he could do it, he can prove himself,

"Jue, it is not something you can defeat!!" the village chief shouted, but this instead flamed Jue more,

'I cannot back down… but mana is near ending,' Jue thought and the croc bashed his head on Jue's belly pushing him away as Jue fly through the sky Village chief was holding himself back from assassinating the croc right away,

"Jue, just give me permission already!!" The village chief spoke to fallen Jue but Jue moved his one finger up and shouted,

"Just one shot!! Let me have one shot Grandpa if it fails, please help me then!!" Jue knew it was a selfish request on his part but he couldn't help it,

As the poison drooling white toxic moved slowly toward him, he was savoring the path towards Jue as he was imagined biting through the young and tender human flesh.

'If I, did it… if not anyone else I can believe it that I am worthy of going with Big brother!!' Jue thought as he stood up,

'Just one shot… one shot,' Jue repeated in his head. The mana he got was just enough for a few skills,

"I will defeat you" Jue moved his hand forward in a mocking manner as if taunting the Toxic croc,

The croc spat poison at a high speed that almost formed a ball flying towards Jue. Jue narrowly avoided it but three more poison balls followed and one hit Ryu's chest area melting clothes fabric and also burning his skin.

"It is enough!!" The village chief move forward throwing a dagger at the feet of white toxic croc but Jue shouted,

"There is no blood… remember promise Grandpa!!" and the Village chief bit his own tongue trying to hold back as he thought,

'Geld was not like this…'

Jue's chest was hurting. He wanted to shout, but he held back he cannot cry or shout right now he knew the Village chief would make short work of this fight if he did that,

'Just this one shot!! I will smash and end him for good' he clenched his fist, and toxic croc rushed towards Jue. He couldn't help it he wanted to taste the young flesh of a human kid,

Jue waited patiently for it to come near and his mind was focused on only one thing:

'Near, nearer… big brother defeated the big Naga this is a small mouse… a small mouse' Jue focused only on this as he wanted to ignore the fear of big scary white toxic croc, he did not want to get cold feet as he did in front of Naga,

'I am not the same brat back then….' Jue thought as his feet felt cold for a second.

As Toxic croc was a few hands away from Jue, he shouted

"[Ground bound]!!" it was a salvaged skill and take less mana to entrap the enemy Toxic croc as soon as it got its feet trapped began throwing loads of toxic liquid but due to it being fixed in a place, Jue swiftly dodged it,

"[Gravel claw]!!" Jue shouted and rushed towards the fixed toxic croc for the first time Grandpa chief saw a grin on Jue's face while fighting,

'With this, I will be closer,' Jue thought as he jumped up towards Toxic croc,

"Only two more skills… [Arm strengthening VII], [Gravel shot]… boost" Jue spoke as he jumped towards Toxic croc's head the last boost, he said was to activate his [Blessing of Valor God B] he still doesn't know it is a blessing but he knew that once a day by wishing it he gets very powerful for a short while,

The toxic croc who saw Jue nearing its head breathed out a huge amount of poisonous mist but it didn't have any effect, the gravel shot pierced its head and the punch powered by [Arm strengthening VII] and [Blessing of Valor God] smashed his head on the spot,

The village chief standing out was worried as he wasn't able to see what happened in that one instant due to smoke, but when he activated his [Seek] skill he could see clearly.

'Jue!!... he is smiling' and a shout in Jue's voice came from within the mist

"I killed it, Grandpa!! It is dead…. It hurts but just like the big brother, I killed him!! I did not fall and cried like last time" Near the end Jue's voice was getting lower. If not for the Village chief's keen ears developed from years of work as an assassin, he wouldn't be able to hear it,

'I want to scold him… I want to praise him' Village chief's mind was in a mess as he walked towards Jue who was said full of glee and happiness,

"I did it, Grandpa… I did it… just a bit more. "

The village chief's eyes were feeling heavy as he spoke, petting Jue's head,

"There is no bit more Jue. You did enough… just rest now" and carried Jue back on his back, Jue said in a low happy voice,

"You are the best grandpa" and let himself be carried back by the Village chief,

'Maybe this is what God saw in him,' the Village chief thought as he had a wry smile carrying him back to town,

"I did not fall or got stunned this time, big brother," Jue whispered as he fell asleep,