Hey miss, my face is here!! #2

"Hey miss, my face is here!!" Ryu shouted at the lady who won't stop staring at his crotch and her reply send a chill down his spine while shop keeper couldn't believe his ears.

"Just let me examine a bit… it is surprisingly big at that age!!" the lady said as she tilts her face to a side and moved near Ryu's crotch.

'I don't even know this world's average size!!' Ryu wanted to shout as he stepped backward, and the lady moved near with eyes almost shining, moving her specs upwards.

The shopkeeper couldn't do anything at this rapid progression and could only see with a baffled face as she moved her gaze from Ryu's crotch to his face,

"You sure got it longer than many… almost unbelievable at that age, Ms. Snow will be proud of it!!" she said with an admiring gaze and smile, while Ryu replied instinctively,

"I don't want her to be proud of that!!" his face red from shame and the shopkeeper now wondering,

'How long is he for such a extraordinary praise… don't tell me' And felt conscious of his own size, while the lady asked with a confused gaze,

"Why? It is very admirable. You know it is the longest at that age I ever saw" Ryu and the Shopkeeper's gazes met for some reason shopkeeper had a defeated look, while Ryu was shouting in his head,

'I don't want this kind of confidence boost suddenly!!' and asked,

"Is it your hobby miss!?" to which she replied,

"It is a part of my Job… how did you get it this big at that age!?" her gaze moves down to crotch again and Ryu replied stupefied

"Maybe milk? Fel fruit!? I don't know!?" as he thought 'What kinda job is it!?' and the shopkeeper thought,

'Will milk work at my age?'

"Don't joke kid, how can milk help with that huge thing…. It is almost leaking rapidly without rest!!" she said and Shopkeeper's gaze moved to Ryu as he thought,

'I never thought Ryu was that kind of child… but he became an adult recently' and when his and Ryu's gaze met Ryu shouted heavily in defense,

"It is not leaking!! Believe me, it is not!" but the lady rebuked him, suddenly moving her glasses a bit up,

"It sure is leaking moving upwards. It is almost getting everywhere!!"

"What in the hell!? What are you even saying!?" Ryu asked her irritated and ashamed,

"I am saying what is clear, though? You can feel it with a bit of focus?" she said with a little thumbs up and Ryu's gaze changed from that of shame to one that wanted to kill her for all the shame,

"Stop it!! I don't want to feel it" Ryu rebutted but with a disappointed gaze she spoke,

"But it would be better if you stopped it from leaking…" she said till this point and Ryu shouted,

"What kind of deviant you are!!" as she completed,

"Constant mana leaking is kind of wastage" as she finished and noticed what Ryu just said and as Ryu heard what she just said both got a dumbfounded look


"Eh?" they both tilted their heads, silent sets in the store for 5 mins, she finally after straightening herself said with a blush on her face,

"I was talking about mana leaking from your abdomen!!"

"How are we supposed to know that!? are you stupid? Your words were plain suggestive!?" Ryu replied irritated, and the shopkeeper nodded,

"But it must be common knowledge to mages!?" she tried reasoning, but Ryu didn't waste a second as he said with a plain expression,

"Where? Where is it common for mages to look at each other crotches and say it is big and how cool it is?" at this lady was at a loss for words it was as if sweat drops were going to flood her head as she says,

"My apology as I said it is a part of my job?" to which Ryu replied with a still displeased expression,

"Is there a perverted job for certain mages?" and she pouted as she says,

"Rude it is!! I already apologized right…" but Ryu's expression seemed to be shouting,

'So, what!!' and she spoke, looking at his defiant expression,

"Just wait for a second!!" saying this she stepped back and poured mana into the clothes she was wearing as she started to spin and suddenly the skirt started changing color and size from a light brown long skirt to a silver short skirt and then her shirt changed into a school uniform like a top and a pointy witch hat appear on her head from the extra fabric of the skirt as the spinning end she moved one of her hand in front of her eyes with a peace sign,

And Ryu's mind, seeing her transformation went.

'Mahou shoujo!! Is she a magic girl!? If I think again, aren't there many magic girls in this world technically!?' and finishing her transformation with a robe appearing on her shoulders till her elbows she spoke,

"I am Anzu Garcia, a mage and recruiter for the kingdom's magic army" but the reaction she received was far from the norm. Both shopkeeper and Ryu were clapping, impressed by her magic transformation, which made her blush again,

"So, Miss Anzu, how do you know Snow? what brought you here looking for information about her?" Ryu asked with curiosity with a bit amount of suspicion in his mind.

'Is she looking for something they can use to blackmail Snow into joining?' and Anzu spoke in a pleading manner,

"Can we talk while sitting? Standing for so long is killing my leg" at this Ryu looked towards the shopkeeper who nodded and Ryu took her into the shopkeeper's office where they both took a seat, and she again stared at Ryu's crotch and said with concern,

"You should stop it's leaking" to which Ryu replied in a reflex,

"Please specify mana!! And also, I am getting used to it… I recently become a mage from apprentice mage so it is sort of hard for me," to which she put her finger on her chin and said,

"You are hiding most of the mana except that is leaking from your abdomen… a powerful appraisal inhibition it seems my mana sense is maxed level… I doubt you are just a mage rank with that large amount leaking out I wouldn't have been able to recognize your true potential if not for my innate mana sight," Ryu didn't correct her this time he had given up as he continued,

"I thought were going to talk about Snow and the reason you were asking about her around," Ryu said with a sigh, to which Anzu replied with a nostalgic gaze as she began to tell Ryu the story of the day she met Snow,

"I met her last year…"

Last year Anzu went to one of the newly established dungeon towns, where suddenly many emerged dungeons appeared due to not having enough resources for setting up the quest with price money the town's lord announced that the party who cleared the dungeon can keep the dungeon core and can also claim one of the newly built houses in the town as a price it was aimed at making more adventurers settle just in case,

"Wonder if I would find any great recruits," Anzu sighed in the adventurer's guild, sitting alone at a table observing adventurers that come in and out taking the dungeon quest,

'Even though there is such an unexpected quest… no good mages seem to be there,' she pouted thinking this as she travelled right from the capital for this opportunity.

"Hey miss want to party with us," a Nobel-looking adventurer asked a girl adventurer who was wearing a blue robe accompanied by a catkin and a 13-year-old or so little girl.

"Refuse already a party," Snow said as she tried moving from the side, but that Adventurer had something else in mind and he gripped Snow's shoulder, the catkin girl put her hand on her sword and the little girl gave a dead stare in adventurers eye,

"I am being nice here. Why don't you reconsider?" the adventurer said with a wide grin,

"Leave" Snow replied, but then the adventurer and his party members said,

"I am asking for your sake. These dungeons are way hard for a small, party you know,"

"We know free houses are attractive, but it isn't worth your life," another guy from his party said,

Anzu was looking at this with disinterest as she had seen similar stuff happen a lot of times,

'Force recruiting… if only I could do the same' and suddenly something happened that took her and everyone's attention towards Snow,

"… frost prison" as soon as Snow said this just for a short time Anzu felt a high amount of dense mana was used up in a complex chant, ice affinity was harder to find too, and when Anzu see the result of the chant, she rubbed her eyes twice,

The adventurer and his party who were pressurizing Snow were covered by thick ice from their feet to their chest as if bound in an ice prison also the cracks formed by their struggle seemed to be repairing themselves seeing this much Anzu's recruiter spirit was flamed and reached out to Snow, but before she could Felicia announced in a grim voice,

"If anyone tries bothering us, they will get frozen too!!" hearing this the frozen adventurer shouted while shaking due to the cold,

"You don't know who I am!! You will pay for this. I will…." But before he could continue Felicia give a light tap on his neck from her rapier handle and he went silent, the receptionist of the adventurer guild shouted, seeing this.

"Enough!! Keep your fights limited to training ground or outside!!" the party of three girls nodded as they walked towards the counter but the 13-year-old girl didn't fail to take a chance and kicked the frozen adventurer a few times before walking to the counter,

Anzu was amazed as she examines the young girl's mana. She thought,

'What a talent!! If I recruit even one of them, promotion is guaranteed!!' the girl's party took the quests and left the adventurer's guild before Anzu could come up with a way to recruit them they left the guild,

She heads straight to the counter and asked with a hurried look,

"What was the name of that party!?" the counter lady apologized as she says,

"I am sorry but we can't share private information… please go to the information guild for it"

Anzu did her clothes transformation to let the receptionist know she was related to the mage army but got blushing as every onlooker that was looking towards the frozen adventurer before started clapping for her transformation and while blushing, she said to the receptionist in a low voice,

"I am for mage army… please provide that information to me, what was the party name?" the receptionist nodded as she spoke while pointing at the frozen adventurer

"The name was Snow flake's party and the leader who did that was Snow,"

-to be continued