Adventure Registration Test #3

-Ryu's pov

'What was that!?' I wondered as I saw a troubled expression on the guild master's face and Jue looked confused as to why I suddenly closed the door.

Was I hallucinating? I thought for a second, but seeing the Guild master's face, it is clear I am not hallucinating.

"What is going on, Guild master?" I can't help but frown,

"I told you right, these people are hell-bent on recruiting you!! These bastards didn't even take today's quest! And are waiting since early morning to recruit you," Guild master answered me with an irritated look, rubbing his forehead,

He sure looks irritated.

"Well, then Jue and I will come later near evening!!" I said in hopes of the crowd not being there in the evening. I waved my hands,

"Later then," I said as I looked towards Jue as soon as I stepped for walking away Guild master hold my shoulder hard emitting a pressure different from battle, somehow heavier,

"What later then!?" he roared at me, and as soon as I turned my face towards him, my back facing the Guild's gate and he exclaimed,

"Do you even know how troubling it is that no one is taking a quest!? Just for your sake, they are waiting since morning even if you have to deny them. Meet them first. Also, I want them all to go for quests!!"

I understand what he wants, but a little sloth that hates troublesome things in my head was saying,

'Too troublesome don't wanna' but before I could come up with any plan to deal with them, I felt someone pull both of my shoulders from behind,

I turned my head slowly and came face to face with a senior bald adventurer, his head shining strangely.

"Hehe" the bald adventurer grinned wide,

"ehe.." I replied to his grin as I knew my fate was set in stone as he pulled me inside the adventurer guild by my hand, and Jue followed before I could process what was happening.

I and Jue were standing in the middle of the guild, being stared at by adventurers with shining eyes and one with a shining bald head.

'We are surrounded!!' I thought and Jue was looking at me with a curious gaze.

"Guild master!! They passed right!?" someone I knew from orphanage school that become an adventurer asked the guild master,

"Passed!! D- ranked" Guild master said with a buddha smile on his face but I can swear his eyes were cynical,

The adventurer brother come towards me as if I got diamonds or something and spoke,

"Ryu, remember we used to study in church school together and swear an oath of being brothers!!"

Seeing his confidence, I nodded reflexively as if that was the only sensible choice.

'But I don't remember anything as dramatic as oath!!' I wanted to shout as I stepped back and he turned towards Jue.

"Jue, you remember right how we used to practice sword fight!!" with a vibrant smile, I saw other adventurers each had similar adventurers they all had similar expressions,

Jue made an expression that seemed to be an incarnation of meh as he replied,

"I remember brother Tim you were the reason I started using knuckles… defeating you with the sword was so easy back then, I started getting bored with swords themselves but you still kept me bothering me for practice" the last part he said with a blank expression I never saw on Jue,

"See, we are brothers, so like a brother I want you two to join…." Before he could complete his sentence, another adventurer with braided hairs interrupted.

"He wants you to join our party as we are the highest-earning party in the town."

"No, he will only join the BearClaw party… as a youngster, Ryu should seek adventure and thrill rather than finance!!" before I could even reply another party leader interrupted,

'They did not even ask if I want to join a party or not!? It is as if the choice is just choosing one over the other,' I got a frown on my face at their bickering,

"Little Ryu remembers me!!" a shrill voice entered my ear with a breath, something pressing on my back!! I knew who she was.

She is the party leader of the all-girls party,

"Ms. Dana, I remember you!!" I said as I moved forward, freeing myself from the soft grasp I was in,

"Let those three fights you sure will join my party right… your brother and you could be the first male" she said with a seductive voice, and I thanked every God I knew in my last life that I moved away because I won't if I could hold back if that was said in my ears directly in this seductive manner,

The three who were fighting with each other turned towards her in one go, and Jue was looking at me with a strange sense of appreciation.

"What are you even up with!!" the classmate adventurer said,

"Weren't you just an all-girls party!?" the braided hair adventurer asked repulsed,

"What can you even offer!?" the Bearclaw leader asked, and I wanted to shout,

'Isn't it obvious!!' but held back as she answered all of them,

"We also want a mage!? Especially Ryu saved my life once in the forest… also we never proclaimed we are a party all-girls party!"

And before answering the last question she moved near behind me, pressing her smooth, silky, and cushiony soft chest on my back. She spoke,

"There is something my party got more of than all of your parties!!" and grinned,

"You stoop this low!!" the classmate adventurer said, but he was blushing, and I thought

'You surely are jealous of where I am right!!' and even the braided adventurer spoke with a flaming voice,

"Didn't you say you are not into guys!!"

"Not all I meant!! like you!!" Dana replied with a smirk dealing 1000+ damage to the braided adventurer, meanwhile, the Bearclaw leader was just shouting things none could understand.

'I cannot let this mess go any further!!' I thought, freeing myself from the softness on my back, although a bit disappointed I shouted,

"I already have decided which party to join!!" I thought it would stop the mess, but suddenly someone started clapping loudly, and as we all turned our faces toward the person,

Mamo stood up with a confident expression and walked toward me.

"Well done, Ryu!! If you had not done that, I would have made it clear myself," he put his arm around my neck even though he was shorter than me,

'My back hurts!!' I thought as he speaks to others confidently,

"This is the difference between you and me… I did not need to argue. I had approached and convinced Ryu for being an adventurer and joining us for years!!" and others felt silent,

'Is forcing to join a party convincing!?' I wanted to shout, Mamo said,

"It is factual Ryu would want to join us as soon as he becomes an adventurer!!"

"I don't," I replied without thinking anything, and Mamo and I tilted our heads as we both said,



"What are you saying, Ryu!? Did you not say back then you just need time?" Mamo asked with an expression like that of a betrayed wife,

"I said that about becoming an adventurer!!"

He left my shoulder with a betrayed look and sat right on the floor disappointed while other adventurers laughed.

"Mamo, you are so funny!!" one adventurer said,

"For one second I was like Mamo can plan this much," the other one said and all started trying to console him in one way or another.

When the young girl from his party came forward and asked,

"That is not the point!! Mamo brother is always like this he will be good in 5 mins but see Ryu is escaping he did not tell us what party!?" even though I used [Camouflage] and [Silent stepping] as soon as everyone's attention fell on Mamo to escape,

"Ehe..." I said as they demanded,

"Tell us which party is it!?"

"Is it a different town party!?"

"Is it snowflake party"

and such questions were being asked and I come up with a plan of telling them it is a different town party that I promised to join a few years before, but before I could do that Jue answered,

"We are going to make a new party!!" Jue answered with a proudful expression and added,

"Only position suiting big brother is party leader!!"

A silence set in the room and suddenly a sound of a little laugh came, soon another person one by one everyone in the guild started laughing loudly. When I looked at the Guild master he gave me a coy smile,

"What happened!?" I asked confused,

"He sure is her student!!" one adventurer said,

"Ahh he will be gone too!!" another one said,

"Even though he was such a fine piece," a girl adventurer said,

"Should I confess today!?" another girl adventurer said and her part members shouted at the same time,

"As if we will let you!!" then after they let us get our cards activated at reception, just when I was about to leave the guild Dana held me from behind near the gate,

"Ryu, you going to leave soon right" my back was in heaven and my mind was reaching nirvana and I answered honestly,


"We won't let you leave…" she said, pushing her chest harder on my back. She had a drunk smell,

"" I stutter and Jue looked at us, confused when she added,

"We won't let you leave without a proper farewell like Snow!! You saved my life, remember from mist croc," hearing that I nodded,

I and Jue was pulled to the town's bar that night adventurers celebrating, singing, and drinking together congratulating me and Jue they told us to make the town's name famous and stuff, and that is how I and Jue become D- rank adventurers and I avoided solicitation from parties,