The Giant Bandit's punishment

-Ryu's pov

"What happened kid scared of me!?" the bandit laughed at me, but my attention was all on his title's details,

'His fate is set in stone…' I joined my hand in a praying position as I knew what I am going to do is something that one male would want to happen with them,

'This is my apology to the whole Male kind'

"Ahh begging for forgiveness!! Hahaha, sorry kid mercy is not my thing!!" he shouted as we both stare into each other eyes,

"The feeling is mutual" I shouted back,

Everyone was quiet waiting for the battle to begin,

And it did he suddenly rushed towards me and slam his halberd on me as it shined,

"You need to be faster, giant head!!" I said as I dodged his skill and used [dagger shot] with two daggers towards his face,

"Haha grow pubes before saying anything…" after dodging the first dagger he thought he was saved when I threw the croc claw dagger on his face,

"Didn't see that coming did you" I grinned,

"I will smash your bones!!" he shouted madly swinging his halberd,

I rolled back saving myself from his rapid attacks,

"If you want to hit me, catch me you chimp!!" I mocked him laying down on my hips, doing a calling gesture with my finger,

"You asshole" he shouted as he rushed towards me and I escaped towards the forest and he rushed towards me angrily,

"Catch me If you can!!" I shouted and hiding among trees, I climbed upon one of them.

I suppress the rage inside me that was boiling as I read his title details again,

'[The buds plucking deviant- someone who had raped many indiscriminatingly]' if not to get information… I would've considered killing him right away… there is also the matter of Aiena not having enough time to be mentally prepared,

The two reasons I came inside the forest are that I couldn't use my swords in front of many people and also what I am going to do is not something Aiena or a girl should witness,

"Where did you hide!! The later I'll find you the more painful I'll make your death!!" he shouted on the ground thinking I was hiding in between trees,

What an idiot I laughed as I shouted,

"Look up you bastard!!"

And when he did, I jumped right towards him, my rings changing into swords,

"I got you!!" he shouted in joy,

"No… you loser, I got you!!" I laughed; he had fallen right into my trap.

I jumped right on top of him, throwing one of my swords towards him he got disoriented and finally I was on top of him,

"Jue come here!!" I shouted as I punched the bastard's face thrice,

"You bastard!!" he shouted,

"Shut up and just be still… see these swords," I said moving twin blades near his neck,

"If you tried moving of speaking, I'll cut your neck off" the giant bandit gulped hard as he said,

"What will you do with me?"

I smiled in the nicest smile I could pull off similar to what mom made before scolding me, and said,

"Just wait for it" and right when I said it Jue come there,

"Big brother…. I thought you needed support in the fight" his face was disappointed as he saw I had already gotten the Giant bandit under my control,

"I really need you Jue… use [Ground bound] on his hand"

Jue nodded as he used it, I stood up and laughed at him,

"Why did you do that? What are you planning to do!?" he panicked, it was quite good seeing a big man with a cool scar panicking like this, and I pulled his lower down Jue looked at me with a confused look,

'Ahh, it would be better to not use my weapon' I thought and asked Jue to bring one of the bandit's swords,

The Giant bandit's face was pale, as he had got an idea what was going to happen,

"Please anything but that!? I will be your slave if you want me to just not that!?" he begged me and I replied,

"If you can do it like a little girl, I might consider it" I answered bored waiting for Jue, and funnily enough he did that,

"Pwetty please big brother leave me" and I began laughing, this man really wasn't the character he looked. but I guess most would do what they are told in this situation,

"Big brother, I am back...?" Jue looked at me suspiciously,

'No!! I don't have questionable fetishes!!' I wanted to shout but I held back as first I don't know if he actually heard or is suspicious why I would ask for a bandit's sword, second Jue isn't even 14 and this world doesn't have internet I doubt he knows what fetishes are,

While thinking such stupid things I took the saber that Jue brought and made him hold the bandit's hand, as I moved near his legs holding the saber,

I swing the saber once to get a feel of it,

"Are you ready Mr. giant bandit leader or maybe just soon to be Giant bandit leader?" I grinned as I aimed at his small brother,

"YOU BASTARD!? IF YOU EVEN BRING IT NEAR MY PE#IS I WILL TAKE REVENGE" he started shaking violently and it wasn't very pleasant to see a man who is double my size half nude and shaking his lower body,

"Take your revenge when you grew a pair and a stick again… Amen," I said,

That day a loud beast's voice roared in the Zerah forest as its sound reached every corner of the forest, it said,

"No my balls, not my balls!!"

I and Jue walked back to the bandit's camp with their leader's hands tied behind his back and a huge amount of blood soaked into his crotch area,

They looked at me as if they were looking at a demon,

"Are you fine Jue?" I asked Jue who hadn't looked me in my eyes since we punished the giant bandit, wondering if it was a traumatizing experience for him,

"I will never make big brother mad…" Jue said with a grim expression as he walked by my side, and Aiena rushed towards us as we made our way towards her,

"What happened to him!? I never saw an injury like that? Should I caste heal?" she rapidly asked,

'She really is a devoted healer…' I thought as I wonder how will I tell her what happened with him, each bandit was looking sober and they were still looking at me like I was a monster but due to some strange sense of understanding all of them nodded,

"Just do a [Small heal], I doubt he'll even need more than that?" Aiena proceeded to heal him as the other bandits laughed and Jue was still not looking me in eyes,

"Are you feeling normal now? Is the pain gone?" Aiena asked the Giant bandit, who just nodded silently he hadn't uttered a word since I used the saber,

'Well, he deserved it' I thought to convince myself,

As we tied all of them in line, I tied him with legs instead of the hands, it served two purposes first they all couldn't run away as they are tied to a person heaviest them all, and second the more pain he feels the better,

"If anyone of you tried to run… you know what will happen right?" I asked and they shouted rapidly,

"I won't run ever!?" the first bandit said,

"I would even check on others!? No one will run sir!!" the second bandit nodded,

"I won't run… I'd rather kill myself than run and live" the third bandit said with dead eyes,

We started walking towards the town through the forest when Aiena suddenly asked,

"Jue, why was he bleeding there? I never saw any male bleed from that area?" she asked genuinely curious and innocently, which made it even harder to answer,

"Big brother will tell!!" Jue replied instantly passing the baton to me,

"Ryu why was he bleeding from there?" Aiena asked me this time, well it made sense no one stab them even in a sword battle,

"I don't think Aiena needs to know" I answered, I didn't want to tell her that I cut his dick off… I don't want her to doubt me for having questionable interests,

"Please tell me… I need to know about injuries and their types to cure them properly!!" her eyes filled with warmth and the care of a healer made it hard to deny and I looked towards the bandits,

Who move their head in denial, but I nodded, they move it in denial again, and I nodded again.

Then I swing the saber in my hand once and one of the bandits answered instantly

"Our boss…" he stopped, but a younger one shouted continuing,

"Our boss is a woman!! She is just manly… right everyone" and all of the others nodded heavily,

"Ahh… I see" Aiena said and then with a finger on her chin she added,

"There are various kinds of humans in this world"

'Good job!!' I thought as I gave them a thumbs up to which they sigh in relief,

"Jue, how is our guest?" I asked Jue who was carrying Rana's nephew,

It can be called fortunate that the nephew was unconscious when we found me and is still sleeping nicely,

"He is sleeping and doesn't seem in pain after big sister healed the scratches"

I hoped he kept sleeping for the whole day as we kept walking, the Giant bandit at the end of the row seemed a bit lifeless but he was just getting what he deserved