And the Adventure begins

Ryu's Pov

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm filled me with warmth,

"Bring presents for us big brother when you come back" the kids shouted, and I looked towards Grandpa chief. He nodded with understanding and shouted,

"Now get going!! Or are you going to keep us standing for hours?"

"Yes yes, Fusion Soul party will be departing now!!" I shouted back enthusiastically, and both Jue and Aiena bowed a bit in thanks,

I turned towards the road and began walking. I was filled with warm feelings and emotions as I wondered,

'This really is a different world,' I thought as we three walked on the road towards the next town with a smile,

'With this will begin our grand journey through hardships and friendships, I thought, feeling like an anime protagonist

An hour passed, and we all were still smiling I was gazing at our surroundings which seemed green with a bit of plain area between forest and road occasionally there were patches of flowers coming making the scenery colorful, we were near one such patch when Jue asked,

"Big brother, do you want some water?"

"I am fine," I answered, as I wondered how our lives were going to change. Now my mind was filled with images of dungeons and the towns.

Another hour passed, and we were still happily walking towards the next town, planning what we would do next.

"Big brother, I heard that Hinsmark town has two emerged dungeons!!" Jue chimed, he sure does love dungeons, and I replied,

"Let's try subduing them… it was really a letdown with those three dungeons."

"It was!! I wanted to go to the dungeon so bad!!" Jue said as he happily punched twice in the air and Aiena, who was walking on my right, said,

"Ryu, Jue remember what big sister Lina said, don't do anything reckless" and we both nodded, as we three kept walking on the road we were fairly far from Zerah now must've walked 10 km or so and the sun was also starting to set,

'Ahh now my legs are beginning to feel exhausted, I thought as I felt a tickle in my legs. It was when the sun finally set and the night was starting to cover the sky that I realized,

"What are we doing on feet!?" I asked with a confused

"Walking?" Jue answered back confused and Aiena tilted her head. Are these two kidding me like I got into anime spirit and thought that walking distance between towns on foot is normal but why did these two didn't ask about the carriage?

'Isn't Hinsmark… 45 kilometers far from Zerah!!' I wanted to shout but held back as I asked them,

"Why didn't you two ask about the carriage?"

"I thought big brother wanted to walk," Jue said simply,

"I was too emotional to think about it," Aiena said with a blush and my mind was going what in the hell!? What is wrong with Jue? Even if I want to walk, you should tell me it is stupid. I moved forward and put a hand on his shoulder.


"What is it, big brother?" he tilted his head,

"If you think big brother is doing something too daring, you should inform once… maybe big brother just forgot a thing or two," Jue nodded in understanding as he realized what had happened.

"Now what will we do, big brother?" Jue asked confused and having nothing else to answer. I said,

"Let's camp here for tonight!!" this was the only option we had besides not sleeping the whole night and keeping walking, and honestly the distance between the next town would take more than a night to cover… this is those people mistake out of those all people no one thought it was strange to send us off to next town on foot!!,

'Well either way this is the best we could do' I thought as I sighed as we walked towards the side of the path on the grass patch, making these grass patches near the road is really a revolutionary idea as we could rest at the side without the need of going inside the forest seems a bit like picnic,

I heard a humming beside me and noticed that Aiena was humming. Why is she looking so happy!?

"Aiena, you are humming quite happily. What happened?"

"I was just happy that we get to use the mattress sooner than I expected" she pulled out the mattress the orphanage children gave us from Jue's bag.

'And the most optimistic award goes to Aiena!!!' I snickered a bit as we sat up on the mattress.

"Big brother, I bought the wood," Jue said as he come back from the forest, and I remembered we didn't have anything to eat.

"Jue sat the fireplace up… I'll be back," I said as I walked inside the forest. We were still within the vicinity of the Zerah forest and it made me realize how big the forest actually is,

"Come out you toxic croc!!" I shouted happily as I looked for a toxic croc of mist croc. Both of them are actually edible and are far better in taste than snakes,

"Ahh found one," I said as I came face to face with a mist croc, I forgot to turn off the effect of my title [Dominator of Zerah forest] so it stood limp in front of me they do that whenever a single one of them come across me and my title is showing it's the effect.

Well, either way, thanks for the food I said as I walked slowly towards the croc, who understood my intention and began running,

"Stop running you, bastard!!" I shouted as I ran behind it but toxic croc ran the same way I ran away from bullies in my last life once, but I am not bullying it or anything it is a law that one dies and the other feeds,

"Take this!!" I shouted as I threw a dagger towards it with [Dagger shot] although it only stabbed the back of its tail it visibly slowed it down and after a bit more running, I stabbed its head jumping on top of him with twin sword,

"Still couldn't do like that…" I thought as the sword only went inside the head but didn't come out from the other side like Felicia sister, and thankfully I didn't rupture the poison sacks meaning the meat is edible!!

I put the Mist croc on my back and took it back to the camp, where Aiena asked,

"Ryu, would it be enough?" she asked, well for a fact now everyone knew I am a gluttonous person now and I am not proud of it, mom too increased the size of my bowl back at home which make me feel totally awkward so I decided it is the time to change for good and spoke,

"It is totally enough Aiena, can't you see how big this Mist croc is to me?"

"But…" she was saying something but before she could I interrupted

"But? Hurry up Aiena I am hungry" I really didn't want to hear another comment on my appetite, and Jue stared at me hard it was obvious he is going to say something rude as soon as our eyes meet so I was trying my best to avoid eye contact but this brat wouldn't give up,

'Well, if this is how he wants to play, You brat!!' I turned my eyes towards him and he spoke,

"I remember big brother eating 3 of them alone," and this brat did it,

"And I remember Jue didn't want to eat monsters because of fear of becoming one," I said with a sarcastic voice, although it was very true. someone at adventure guild told him a tale of a person who only ate monster meat and he ended up becoming a monster he resisted eating the monster meat like hell when Grandpa chief brought some home,

"Big brother meanie!!! I was small back then," Jue pouted as Hina finished dismantling the croc and we put it on fire.

It was very peaceful. The sky was dark and full of stars, unlike on earth where light and air pollution made stars disappear. I was feeling quite excited as this was my first campfire in both of my lives. Seeing the mist croc meat grill on the campfire made it nicer, and I regretted my choice of only bringing one.

'No, I have to hold back my gluttony!!' I resolved and suddenly my [Instantaneous Detection] detected something coming towards us at a high speed,

"Jue, Aiena, step back!!" I shouted as I stood up with daggers in my hands when it appeared.

A silver-plated carriage with a toxic croc on the top,

"What in the hell!?" I shouted as I saw a toxic croc chilling on top of a carriage, and as if that was not enough, I noticed there was another toxic croc sitting on the top of the horse pulling the carriage, literally what in the hell crocs doesn't even jump that high, when I was lost in making sense out of it a shout come inside from the carriage,

"Help me!!! that bloody idiot!!? If you people help me, I'll pay twice the average price for escorting requests!!"

And then the driver shouts,

"Please save me!! I have a small daughter!! This croc is going to jump!!" what is even happening to our calm picnic,

-To be continued