[Second conditioning Fulfilling underway]

-Ryu's pov

"What in the hell!? Is it triple suicide!?" words reflexively escaped my mouth; Fiona was panicking, but I barely cared about it because I didn't have anything to do with bodies,

'Where is Dungeon core?' I looked around to make sure the core was still present and couldn't find it anywhere,

"Kid, that body… it doesn't make sense" Fiona was shaking as she pointed at one of the corpses. It was a corpse with a horse skeleton-like face with muscles present beneath bones, and the whole body was similar to the head, bones being the outer covering to muscles,

"Nothing about this dungeon made sense since we entered", I replied, not feeling much shocked and disappointed because even after this ordeal, there was no sign of Dungeon core,

"It is a demon", Fiona added,

"A demon here!?" Jue asked, his eyes brimming with curiosity, and Fiona nodded as she added,

"It is a demon, Cadaveric," Fiona said, biting her tongue. I was confused, too, because it is very uncommon for demons to appear in this part of the world. So much so I've only ever seen two demons since birth, and this dead body was second,

"But isn't the south of the Kingdom banned for Demons," I asked, as I remembered Grandpa chief had told us that during the peace treaty after the last great war, it was decided south area starting from Lord Delphine's estate. If a Demon is here, it would be against the peace treaty.

"I don't know" Fiona's mood seemed cold, and I didn't push much,

"Jue, look around the room, Aiena go with him" I begin assigning tasks,

"Yes, big brother", Jue replied, and Aiena nodded.

"Miss Silvia stand guard on the door; Flan, support her" I tasked Silvia and Flan to guard the gate as we didn't need more surprises for the day,

"Why did you only call Silvia Miss!? Is it you want to be closer to me" Flan swung her sword in my direction, and I knew there wasn't much I could do because otherwise, she would take offence, and I nodded,

"Rafa sister can you take care of Fiona," I asked Rafa as Fiona didn't look fine, but she rebuked me as soon as I said this,

"I am fine!! I don't need anyone to care for me!" not in the mood for an argument, I told Rafa sister,

"You can carry her away."

Fiona was struggling hard in Rafa sister's grip to no avail and was finally carried to rest, and I scanned the dead bodies,

[Name- Cadaveric corpses]

[Name- Familiar Wolf corpses]

[Name- Camazot corpses]

I felt strange energy from Cadaveric and Familiar corpses. It was a type of mana I'd never felt before. Meanwhile, Camazot looked like an oversized imp with muscles and openings on shoulders and elbows,

'It is the first humanoid dungeon boss', I thought as I realized I had never encountered a humanoid dungeon boss. It is strange because there wasn't a humanoid dungeon boss in Grandpa chief story. I wouldn't have figured out he was a dungeon boss if not for Familiar Wolf wearing matching armour to Cadaveric.

I was analyzing the reason for death using [Hide and Seek]. Although it didn't outright tell me who killed whom or what exactly happened, it still informs me what parts of the body are injured and where the injury that caused death is. Then either with common sense or help with Aiena, I can predict the reason for death,

'I really feel like a forensic scientist,' I smirked, noticing how Cadaveric's armour and weapons were not damaged. I was trying to figure out what killed them, but it wasn't working, and that's when Jue's voice came to my ears.

"Big brother, I found something strange!!"

"Ryu there is writing on the wall!" Aiena added, and I sighed in relief as due to constant singing loud, I was worried she wouldn't be able to speak properly for a while,

"Jue, where is it?" I asked, and he guided me toward the writings. I told Rafa sister to watch over the gate, too, just in case demons actually attacked. We walked towards the wall of the room; even though the room was mostly empty, it was stupidly large, which irritated me,

"Here they are, big brother", Jue pointed towards the walls. I looked towards the direction his finger was pointing and found it weird. Although it was a language, it wasn't one that humans could read, and then I thought for a while before channelling mana into it.

And soon the wall begins to part,

"Big brother, awesome!! I never knew you could read that language!!" Jue was praising me, but it wasn't actually like I did something special as I asked him,

"Try reading it again but carefully" Jue focused on the walls as they part,

"Isn't it just bad handwriting, brother!? I can't make head and tail of it, but mana is clearly written in it!!"

Jue was right. It was just the standard language well-known in this part of the continent. It was just that the one who wrote it had super bad handwriting,

'If not for having super bad handwriting myself in my last life, I wouldn't have recognized it either.' even though I said this, the only two things I could make sense of were,

'Inject mana, go to Illusia, save him'. It was as if the writer intentionally tried his best in these parts. The walls began to part, and the dungeon floor shook hard.

"Ryu, are you okay!!" Rafa sister's voice came from behind,

"What is going on?" Fiona asked, and Silvia, too, looked out of breath.

"What happened? We just found a hidden area," I asked them as I pointed toward the newly opened area of the dungeon,

"There was a sudden earthquake, and the entrance also closed," Silvia said, looking scared as our only means of escaping was gone, but I was more than sure that whoever wrote that didn't want us to get trapped in here, so I just asked everyone to proceed inside with caution,

"Is this the real boss room?" Jue asked, confused,

"Ryu, why is there a chair and table?" Aiena felt odd seeing a chair and table in the boss room because so far, all the dungeons we cleared have empty boss rooms aside from the boss monster and core,

'This really is weird. It looked like a living room of a teenager leaving aside everything made up of rock and metal,' I thought. As I looked around the room, there was a table, a chair, and a slab of rock, which I assumed to be a bed, and then I spotted a mana crystal in the corner.

"Flan harvests them," I told her as I began looking around for the main course of the dungeon.

"Where the heck is dungeon core!!" I couldn't hold back as I shouted, and Jue began looking around. Finally, beneath the rock table, we find the core; it was as if an amateur had hidden it,

"Big brother, this core is also like that one," Jue said as he looked at the core in my hand, and I nodded. I put my hand in the inside pocket of my coat, pulling out the only other strange dungeon core we encountered,

"Ryu, isn't this the core from that dungeon?" Aiena's face looked bitter, and I, too, felt a bit off, as this dungeon core was the one that made Rafa sister collapse earlier. Even though after waking and looking at it again, she got fine, but still didn't find it pleasant. When I tried appraisal on it, it didn't work, but now there were two of them,

'We can't even sell these' I felt irritated as I held the dark aura emitting core in my hand, and suddenly felt a pull. The core in my hand was reacting to the core in my other hand,

"Everyone give me space," I asked, somehow feeling I knew what I was doing. I began bringing both the core together. I had to put my whole energy into holding them apart. It was as if the moment my grip failed, they'd collide. As I slowly brought them near, I looked into everyone's eyes before touching the orbs with each other.

[Another type of Dark Mana Identified]


[Second condition fulfilling underway!!]

"Ryu!!" I saw Rafa sister rushing towards me to save me, the Dark Mana was beginning to surround me, and I heard a voice in my head.

'Who are you?' it was a low and cold voice, but it filled me up to the brim with anger, and I shouted a reply,

"Fuck you!!!!" everyone was shocked and confused, but I couldn't feel concentrated. The Dark Mana was sweeping out of both cores and engulfing me and my senses. Suddenly a bright light began coming from my side the Holy Orb of the light goddess was shining bright with blue light, which was calming.

I didn't realize when I fell unconscious in the torrent of these opposing energy.