Meeting the creator

I have been floating in the void for a long time it is as if there is no meaning of time only darkness the only reason for my sanity being intact that i can think of is the inspiration of occlumency meditation even then my memories started fading so i tried to latch onto the one i required for entertainment and my sense of self while letting my memories of lifetime fade down loosing the importance i had for them and consequently and emotional attachment to my old world. This was how I was before reaching the time of judgement that is how i find myself infront of a being in from of an orb of devine aura ,atIeast think it is devine aura. He calls me forward and says,"Daren I am sorry to say your death happened by the mistake of a newly appointed reaper so as a compensation, I will give you 7 wishes and renew your memories except your personal life as it will interfere with your assimilation in your new world ""will I get to ask anything""yes untill it is something like godhood ""ok,so I will first select the world I want to go to 3 different worlds with ability to switch between them.""Ok , select the worlds""I would like to go to harry potter verse, marvelverse, and pokeverse"" very well ,now on to the wishes""I want to be able to copy and paste abilities, when I copy abilities I will get them and when I paste them I can give a copy of my copy of that ability to the person on whom I paste the ability and it will not only be for ability but also for knowledge. For socond wish I want technomancy along with galvan and Krypton knowledge as I will not be going there to get it.For third wish I want to able be to move in time of a world after leaving it once. Forth wish I want to be able to bind my wives to me by soulbond to be able to take them with me. Fifth wish a ststem with scan , status ,shop and inventory functions ,sixth wish to have system shop points, for final wish I want Immortality and age control for me and my wives until such time that we all want to die."" Done now where would you like to be and at what age "" I would like to awaken at the bar where founders met when they are about to start their meeting at same age as them" " Off you go" and he snaps his fingers sending me to the hpverse.