Completing Hogwarts and establishing bond

That night they spent reading kryptonian cloning knowledge to make efficient mortal clones . Next morning they started laying foundation across and over main wardstone with a special method of access known only to them and hogwarts chosens . This was to make sure it is not misused . After setting the foundation the space enlargement runes were activated to increase space for construction of rest of the building . Then there was kept a secondry wardstone which will remain active all time with rather simple wards like anti-apparation,anti rape,anti Dark magic ward and even an magic releasing ward it increase magic density to make magic capacity of students get a substancial boost over time making their cores stronger and incrasing mana storage capacity over time . With that done they went through making the castle without trouble for land

Time skip 2.5years (daren pov)

2.5years that is the time it took to complete the structural work of Hogwarts . Yes we decided to not tell outsiders castle's true name as the name had the power to call forth the spirit of castle. We all knew we were being overprotective but to us it was necessary as well because of the power the castle held. As the building of castle was complete we began building defensive warrior knight wrmours and miltiple humanoid gargoyles with their specialised weapons those will enter the castle walls as if they were crafted on the walls the reason was because of special self repair ruin scheme built in war time ward scheme so when they are once attached to castle the wards will work on them as well making them undistructable unless true wardstone is destroyed which is also quite difficult as has unbreakable charm runescheme one will know about true wardstone 3 wardstone itself is semiethreal since the personality giving ritual turned to make it grow into a child over time making it so it cannot be harmed . Due to wardstones link to us and caslte it will alarm us of attack and enter war attack mode to protect students the control of defence golems was to be decided today as we had completed creating them this time we created a new intelligence that had no emotions that could turn it bad again with contigencies making it arcane had higher authority including ability to remove emotions and memories of past except its knowledge of its creations and the warnings of what will happen arcane was also told of her link with us so she can enter our minds to talk as she had to grow to be able to get used to a body and she told that she appreciated it then came the night for us to leave. We had told arcane of our need to leave to next world to let the timeline maintain its semblance of normal and uncontroled flow . To say she was sad was an understatement but she understood and she also knew our clones will be here and not know that they are clones so they will act totally like us except they will eventually die. Then time came for final enchantment of a last defence made at cost of Immortality (a lie told to other three founders) that will teleport everyone inside castle , if enemy somehow manages to break all other defences , to a a colony on mars that had been terraformed and has a well preserved knowledge of terraforming and wandless magic , yes wandless was not difficult its just one has to reach stage 3 core cultivation making it impossible, some might think why dumbledor was able to do it then the answer is at stage 2 core low level wandless is possible and was considered max limit of wizarding realm , stage 2 can be reached by heavy training in magically concentrated place for decades. With this done we placed our clones in our place and gave slightly modified memories to make them think they were us , in our place . Completing this task we went to forbidden forest to talk to every species by calling them at a clearing and asked them for some of their own so their species could be perserved even when wizarding realm was found again we left golbins and some more aggressive species behind and even took british vellas as I remember reading they were killed after raping them in next century same oath was given to them and any other sentinent species also took the same oath of non interference from them and vellas asked to be allowed to leave from time to time and be allowed to leave if they find love and we agreed to this condition and even told them about the fact thet we were going to different world where they can even travel around and parted them knowledge of the world and knowledge of magic required to survive and have a good life there. When we told them about it they agreed happily and said they would like to stay there and we planned to create ID's by becoming orphans as there were only 4 vellas at the coven, the elves were warned and only allowed the oned to be punished the be caught and agreed that time should not be tempered to any higher level and thank them for giving us philosophers stone in return for a place to stay in trunk universe and we make and we ask arcane to keep eye on nicolas flamel and make sure he receives or creates the stone to maintain time line. After that we leave to a new world but are pulled in middle of travel by creator .