Reaching reefside and meeting oliver

Passing through portal they reached reefsideand it must've activated their alarm system making them come to our location but not find anything but us . When they come to us to ask about space time anomaly picked by their system we answer them by asking them a question of ourselves to test their resolve thinking it better to test them before giving them powers "so are you the brats those made the cores of the 5 terran alpha beasts lose power well now there is no defence to stop that mutated beast you call mesogog or as tom there may know him anton mercer. You should feel lucky that you delayed the destruction of earth by few months as he will get used to it. So tell me how will you beat something that has mutiple times more strength than your ranger form." "We don't know how we will fight him nor how you know this but listen and listen well we are ready to give our lives to protect the lives of innocent even if we have to sacrifice our own lives." Said kira "Do you both agree to her statement as I know tommy oliver better than having to ask him. Will you still fight knowing there is no way to win against him specially knowing there is no way to win" listening this both connor and ethan see each other and nod before saying,"yes this is our responsibility a responsibility we accepted but failed but that doesn't mean we will stand back once a ranger always a ranger this is something we learnt first day as rangers it is a lifetime job" hearing this Daren and Rowena look at each other and mentally say 'these rangers has learnt from their mistake and are ready to regain their powers to bring timeline back on line' 'I agree' Rowena then says "congratulations rangers you have passed the test to prove your resolve and proved that you truly learnt from your mistake now for your reward since your dino gems are useless and dried of power they can now be converted to a more greater form bring us to your house tom this process is quite a lengthy one and will require a whole year unless done under time field." "Sorry rangers for those sharp words but we had to check your worthiness for the new powers and kira ford you will be the second in command with tommy as leader also tell your parents you are going on a week long trip remember rangers this trip will be your most painful week. Especially as this week will be a whole year long where we will make you breakthrough the limits of humanity through various means . Also please leave those empty gems in care of tom so we can get started while you get your stuff packed and come to the base." "Wait how do you even know so much about everything" "well when creator gives you a mission he gives you information needed for it" saying this Daren and Rowena sit in the jeep while rangers follow them. When they leave the three teenagers at their houses daren daren says tom to call Haley and ask her to come help in morpher reconfiguring for them to work on new energy. Listening this he immediately contacts her and ask her to come meet them at his house saying it was important. As they reach there they wait far Haley who doesn't dissapoint them and reach to them within 10 minutes. As soon as she reaches there she ask about us "tommy who are they" "they are uh .. you see um" looking at his state we couldn't help our laugh when Haley look towards them and raise a brow the explain ," haha well you see when we met we kinda wanted to test them and after they passed the test well we informed them we will allow them a last ditch attempt with way more power ,seeing mesogog had power of 5 gems and in their excitement they completely desregarded introduction's and seeing we already knew of them we didn't force introduction's on them so since you are the first to ask then I am daren evanshade and she is rowena ravenclaw ." "So what was so important to ask me to come meet here" "well you see while we can give them those powers we aren't exactly tech genius but here this is alien tech journal with weapons choose the ones to put in with new rangers choose from elements water ,air ,ground ,dark and dragon" "why dark and dragon and not lighting and fire" "that is due to difficulty in taming and dark contains both elements while dragon contains fire and destruction elements these two are for as follows dragon for kira and darkness for oliver as kira is happy go lucky to some extent with temper of dragon making it perfect for her while tom has darkness in his heart to harness energy from but I will warn you that you choose one of the light elements as well to counter dark element and only use dark element in dire need else he will become addicted to it. Also Haley use this for new ranger sabers you will be in for a surprise." Just as all this is happens rangers reach oliver residence