Mesogog returns

Mesogog pov

Its been a week since I absorbed all the power from dino gems and have finally turned it into my own today I will begin my attack on those humans but first I will destroy those rangers to stop them from finding any sort new source of power to fight against me after all rangers have always been known to be too stubborn to admit defeat thinking this he went to his lab where he found zeltrax and elsa working on creating an army of terranodrones they have had made enough to overwhelm rangers even if they had found a new source of powers as they are not trained in combat at all . Little did he know this was his biggest mistake to not concider that there might be a small chance that they might not win. I approach them and say "good work you two tommorow we are going to end the rangers" "yes master"*2 . 'Tommorow I will kill those little pests and bring dinosaurs back to life while I will be their king HAHAHAHA'

Daren pov

Today is the last day of their training then we were to rest on our last day under time dialation and I have to inform rangers that their problems will start the very moment they leave the hideout as I had been scrying on mesogog and found what he plans so here I am going towards the lounge where everyone is resting as soon as I reach there I say "Guys good news and bad news so I will start with good news that is we got mesogogs plan and it is on same day as the day we leave the time dialation only a few hours later right now he was unable to find us so he made his minions make him terranodrones army large enough to beat previous you and bad news is he has mastered the dino gem energy at basic level you are lucky that he can't use his psionic powers on you while you are transformed as your suit will absorb them and your trump card will be the ability of your suit to transform into any weapon you have know how of and know well you will be getting new colors relative to your element haley its time Connor McKnight your wind element so you will go white , Ethan James your earth element so you will go yellow , Kira Ford you mastered all aspects of the black dragon so you will go black and Tommy due to your flexibility while staying rigid at the same time your element was chosen to be water and thunder combination a distinct colors formed the color you first wore welcome back our green ranger alright rangers place your gems on your morpher watches and let the neurolink form " they do as they are told Kira knew full well it was one way link so knew her mind won't be affected and did it without hesitation and others followed the suit and slowly the gems were integrated into their wirst morphers "ok rangers mentally think of the type of watch you want it to look and done , now to call forth your battle armour think of your dino morpher command code great and now finally your weapons any weapon you make are from special metal that if turned into sword can cud iron like it is butter even without being sharpened also blasters are set to be either laser , ion or plasma weapons powered by your gems and do not worry you gems now act as fusion reactors and will always keep forming and emmiting energy that is harnessed by your suit to sustain itself be ready for the second phase of your legacy the elemental dino rangers" "hey think of a better name"