sudden twist and end of mesogog

what rangers didn't know was that killing mesogog wasn't same as destroying him in his small form as he was born of dinosaurs collective resentment making him totally unkillable so when his small form was destroyed he turned into mega form and somehow turned ultimate once again. tommy said ," shit ,this thing has gone worse and is totally out of control . Daren I don't think normal zord mode can deal with him think of something." "tommy this doesn't need you to take action we already knew this would happen so we already had countermeasures in place all you need is to use your gems to energize the final formation keys I give you and they will seal him for eternity in earth's crust and use his energy to maintain a better geological balance and will bring many other benefits" listening to the explanation rangers formed the formation completely surrounding him and poured the gems power into the formation keys as the keys were energised they laid out their fragments of formation and sealed mesogog.