Chapter 5

5 Months later:

I crouched behind the giant boulder which stood atleast thrice my height, sneakily glancing at my mother. She'd made me promise that I will keep my distance as she confronts the monster that had been chasing after us for quite a few days now. I was perfectly fine with the waiting; killing monsters just wasn't that interesting anymore.

The last few months had been hectic for me, and to honest, I was glad that we were finally in Japan. As much as leveling up was important in the world of gods and monsters, I just wasn't meant for this kind of single-minded focus and commitment.

I could confidently state that I've faced a wide variety of monsters in the past half-a-year. From devils and minotaurs to lamiae and harpies. From dullahans and skeletons to Fairies and unicorns. I'd seen much, and fought much. And leveled up much too. And after finally reaching japan, I was more relieved than anything. You'd think after fighting monsters all day, a normal city-life might feel lukewarm and boring to me, but nothing could be further from truth. I was genuinely glad to be done with monsters for now. Cause I needed a break. A long vacation to just relax.

And that's exactly what me and my mother planned to do. After she took care of this supposedly powerful dragon like she always does. I was excited to finally see a dragon, even if it was from five kilometres away. And yes indeed, this was my first time watching a dragon. Usually if she deemed the monster to be out of my league, she will always try to keep me away from the fight. This usually happened when any dragon came snooping around. She'd always lure the beasts away from me and fight in some secretive place where I will never come under harm.

A shame, I'd have already observed a dragon's stats before this moment if she had just let me see. But I understood her worries, so I never pushed.

Hey, atleast my stats were here to keep me company as she fought off whatever was stupid enough to track us down.


Age: 6

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 2 (Superhuman)

Level: 199

Divine Power: 9500/9500

Holy Power: 9500/9500

Demonic Power: 9500/9500

Stamina: 9450/9450

Health: 9800/9800


Strength: 185

Speed: 220

Dexterity: 208

Endurance: 189

Constitution: 196

Mental: 31

Spirit: 190

Points: 99


Combat Skills–

Advanced Spear-wielding (10/10)

Godly Skills–

Divine Lightning Bolt (Lvl 1)

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 4)

Air Manipulation (Lvl 4)

Wind Manipulation (Lvl 4)

Electric Discharge (Lvl 3)

Flying (Lvl 4)

Demonic Skills–

[Power of Creation] Passive

[Power of Imagination] Passive

Object Creation (Lvl 2)

Demonic Power Manipulation (Lvl 3)

Holy Skills–

[Angelic Form]– Two-Winged Angel

Holy Power Manipulation (Lvl 2)

Holy Weapon Creation (Lvl 2)

Other Skills-

Advanced Hunter (1/10)

Advanced Tracker (3/10)


Lightning Resistance (Lvl 4)

Magical Affinities:

Divine Lightning: 70/100

Holy Light: 70/100

Lightning: 90/100

Light: 90/100

My leveling speed has been superb for the last few months, rapidly approaching 200. One thing I loved about my system was that I didn't have to worry about stats. As long as I leveled up, my stats will keep increasing consistently. Each level Increased all of my stats by one, except mental and spirit. I wanted to explore my system fully, especially the huge power difference between each tiers, but the wild and uncertain life that I've led till now had stopped my attempts from fully discovering all of its functions. The reward 'Full System Unlocked' seemed to suggest more than just my innate powers that I inherited from my parents. Even without system, I'd still have those powers right? I was the child of Zeus and Gabriel afterall. So what exactly did my system bring to the table, except giving the skills 'Gamer's Mind and Body'. There has to be more.

The frightening sound of a roaring beast broke through my thoughts and I focused back on my mother; only to find her standing in her half bikini costume with all 12 of her jet black wings spread. The boulder that I was hiding under was directly behind my mother so i couldn't see her from the front but what I did see from behind made my mind almost melt down in a puddle of goo. Gamer's mind did absolutely nothing to make me focus elsewhere. What an unreliable skill.

My eyes onces again scanned her figure guiltily, taking in her plump voluptuous behind barely covered by the black skin tight...No! Bad Mikael! I groaned to myself. This was my mother, I shouldn't think like this about her. I wasn't even in puberty yet for god's sake! And I could've sworn even as an adult I was never this perverted.

She isn't my actual mother though...a traitorous part of my mind whispered quietly. I shut the thought down faster than the speed of a lightning bolt. Nope, not going there. She was definitely my mother and I loved her like one. ...or did I?

Goddamnit Zeus.

To distract myself, I ignored my mother's sinful figure completely and focused on the giant beast roaring down at her. How the hell did I miss such a majestic beast? This was something that should've captured my attention instantly.

The beast stood over a dozen meters tall, towering over my mother like a small building. It's body was even longer, atleast twice as big, and covered completely in shining blue scales, glinting like crystal under the heavy rays of afternoon sun. Two short but strong wings were flared across its back, also covered in the same beautiful blue scales that enveloped the rest of its body. It roared down its rage at my mother, chilling mist escaping from its mouth.


Water Dragon (Adult)

Race: Dragon (High-Level)

Tier: 5 (Immortal)

Level: 459

Draconic Power: 450,000/450,000

Stamina: 458,000/458,000

Health: 475,000/475,000


Strength: 476

Speed: 448

Dexterity: 439

Endurance: 458

Constitution: 475

Mental: 29

Spirit: 450

What the fuck. What the hell was this weakling even thinking when challenging my mother. Seriously, what went through its brain when it decided to fight her...'oh, today looks like a good day to die! Let's go and die at the hands of this beautiful busty angel!'

I snickered, and instantly the dragon glanced towards me.

It couldn't have heard me right? I was almost five kilometres away!

Then, two more dragons came out of the ocean's water that divided japan. Both looked like miniature versions of it, though one was undoubtedly the elder, almost reaching the bigger one's massive size. The other one was much smaller, barely 7-8 meters tall, and it's scales were less glittery and more...raw.

Without wasting any time, the smaller dragon (compared to the other two) instantly took flight, flying towards my direction.


Gabriel turned to stop it but then the adult one and the other big one were upon her, one launching a ray of crystalline water while the biggest dragon pounced on her with its teethes and claws bared.

Slightly panicking, I quickly observed the gliding beast as it's blue scales shone from the sun's rays.

Water Dragon (Adolescent)

Race: Dragon (High-level)

Tier: 5

Level: 64

Draconic Power: 20000/20000

Stamina: 74000/74000

Health: 70000/70000


Strength: 72

Speed: 37

Dexterity: 67

Endurance: 74

Constitution: 70

Mental: 17

Spirit: 230

Shit shit shit. A tier 5 being. I needed to escape. If it actually caught me...

Well, I did fight the alpha minotaur. Maybe I can stall this beast? It was just lvl 64 after all...No, that was foolishness. I didn't fight the minotaur, I just used it as target practice while it stood around, unable to do anything.

And my point was proven right as just a few seconds of it speeding towards me, I heard the boom of the sound barrier breaking. In just a few seconds, the beast broke through the sound barrier. And speed was its lowest stat. Holy fuck, I was dead.

I quickly turned around, releasing my wings to take in the air and get the hell out of here.

But suddenly the water behind me churned, bubbling and boiling. I glanced back to look at the dragon, and noticed a glowing bluish magic array surround the thing even as it flew towards me at an insane speed. It will probably be on me in less than 12 seconds. Covering over five kilometers in less than a dozen seconds? That's just broken.

I looked over just in time to see the churning water blast upwards like a high-pressured fountain. The water tightened up to create a wall in front of me, make me unable to escape.

The dragon wanted a fight, and it wasn't going to let me escape. I felt a dark anger rising inside me as the beast treated me like a prey, and an unknown source of pride and superiority formed that rebeled against any being treating me like some useless prey.

Fuelled by the sudden anger, even knowing the uselessness, I decided to turn around.

'I'm gonna make you pay for this.'