Chapter 20

I woke up at the crack of dawn, the morning drill of the campers reaching my ears.

[Slept for 6 hours]–

Mind, Body, and Soul at 100% functionality.

Sighing, I dismissed the message and started my morning stretches and indoor exercises, I didnt need to but it was just satisfying.

Thalia wasn't at the cabin, I knew without checking. She hadn't been sleeping much nowadays, earning a pair of dark-heads as she tried to come up with a plan to solve our mess.

It has been over a year since my welcome in the camp half-blood, and things were looking... incredibly sour for us, to be honest.

I didn't know if it was because of my presence or Thalia's (most likely mine), but the number of monsters that attacked the camp had been drastically increasing. And now, after over a year of constant fighting, we were pressed to the extreme.

I truly didn't know how long the camp was going to last.

It hadn't been this bad at first of course. No, these monsters were simple experience points for me then. Nothing more.

They came in small numbers, most not even able to force their entry due to the magical boundry fields that surrounded the camp. Perhaps a hellhound or two each day would get past the field, but that's it. I'd even volunteered to guard at the night-time, what with the gamers body enabling to work without sleep.

Then, the monsters had started increasing. Slowly yes, but constantly. They were still little more than experience points for me, but the other campers had started getting worried. Chiron was getting worried, while Mr. D...well, he just started whining even more. And being more annoying.

It hadn't been until three months later that the camp got really worried. One of the demigods from Ares camp died when three hellhounds attacked together, using their shadow travelling in an unnaturally systematic manner and overwhelming the small force that guarded the camp gates. Only mine and Thalia's timely intervention had saved the other 5 demigods.

That incident had managed to rouse the campers worries. It wasn't just an epic survival quest for them now, it was a true survival hazard with deadly stakes.

The campers started showing their true age here. Oh, no one cried for their mommies and daddies, but there were definitely some close calls. The year rounders weren't that worried, but those who visited only for summer were getting anxious.

I still didn't know when the resentment started building, but in the next two months there was a surge of campers who were blaming Thalia and me for the state of the camp.

They were very true of course, but putting all the blame on us was just stupid. And I wasn't one to take any insults lying down, I'd inherited Zeus's pride afterall. I responded to their verbal attacks with physical ones, and so they kept their gobs shut around me.

But Thalia became their sole target then. And for all Thalia's pride and strength, she was still a 12 year old. 12 year old who, behind that hard exterior, had an incredibly soft heart. She tried to put a brave front of course, for me more than anyone else, but the pointed fingers were getting to her. Slowly and slowly, she became as reckless as Luke, eager to prove herself and wash away the blame.

Then the tragedy struck. Zeus and Posieden were at a clash, and Posieden took it out on the campers... well, on me and Thalia to be exact. The creatures of sea started joining the attack on the camp, and the prime amongst them were the Cyclops, Tier 4 monsters. And so the death toll started to pick. Now instead of a single death in a couple of months, it was a couple of deaths in a single month. There weren't a lot of demigods from the start really, just little more than a 100. So when people regularly started to die, the camp's survival came into question.

And now, after more than an year of constant fighting, even I was starting to get anxious. 20 campers dead in the last 6 months, how many more will we lose this month? Or the next few months for that matter.

What I felt like a blessing at first, was now a huge thorn at my side. The worst thing was that I couldn't even abandon the camp and leave or something.

I could fly away with Thalia but the furies will strike us down. I could try to cut through the army of monsters, but I'd be easily overwhelmed alone, or even with Thalia.

Now I was just as worried as the others. Even the gods weren't answering for some reason. I would've thought that seeing our futures so uncertain would make them try and aid us but it seemed unlikely.

Shows how much Zeus truly cares. Coming here was seeming to be a massive mistake.

Sighing again, I stood up and wiped my naked body with a towel, getting ready for a new frustrating day.

I absently called for my status as I wore my clothes.



Age: 9

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 4

Level: 360

Divine Power: 191,000/191,000

Holy Power: 191,000/191000

Demonic Power: 191,000/191,000

Stamina: 170,500/170,500

Health: 180,500/180,500


Strength: 361

Speed: 391

Dexterity: 381

Endurance: 351

Constitution: 371

Mental: 36

Spirit: 382

Points: 65


Combat Skills–

Advanced Archer (5/10)

Expert Swordsman (5/10)

Expert Spear-wielding (10/10)

Godly Skills–

Divine Lightning Bolt (Lvl 5)

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 5)

Electric Discharge (Lvl 6)

Air Manipulation (Lvl 7)

Wind Manipulation (Lvl 7)

Flying (Lvl 7)

Demonic Skills–

[Power of Creation] Passive

[Power of Imagination] Passive

Lightning Manipulation (Lvl 3)

Object Creation (Lvl 5)

Demonic Power Manipulation (Lvl 6)

Defensive Magic: Barrier (Lvl 4)

Hypnosis Magic (Lvl 4)

Concealment Magic (Lvl 4)

Holy Skills–

[Angelic Form]– Two-Winged Angel

Holy Weapon Creation (Lvl 5)

Holy Power Manipulation (Lvl 6)

Other Skills–

Advanced Hunter (8/10)

Advanced Tracker (10/10)

Advanced Unarmed Combatant (10/10)

Expert Strategist (1/10)


Pain Resistance (Lvl 3)

Poison Resistance (Lvl 4)

Lightning Resistance (Max)

Magical Affinities:

Divine Lightning: 70/100

Holy Light: 70/100

Lightning: 90/100

Light: 90/100

I couldn't help but smile proudly at my Lvl and stats. All the sweat and blood that I've toiled the whole year has paid off well. In just a year, I was one of the strongest half-bloods in the camp, even when solely considering physical might.

Except Thalia, but that girl could throw around a couple of tanks stacked together and run faster than 6 times the speed of sound...I wouldn't be her match physically until I reach tier 5.

Many were awed at my drastic power growth, though likely putting it on my mixed heritage. By now, everyone was aware of my status. They knew I wasn't half human. But they still respected me, we've been fighting together for a long time now afterall. Even those who'd previously held a grudge.

Finished with my morning rituals, I ignored the huge Zeus statue and left the cabin through the big double bronze doors. I didn't need to bath and brush due to gamers/angels body, but I still did it sometimes to seem normal or to just relax.

Today was not that time.

I made my way to the big house, passing other cabins and the lake, while nodding towards the occasional demigods who just woke up too. It was a ten minutes walk from the U-shaped cabins to the big house, with a small bridge to cross the equally small river. As soon as I reached the sky-blue house, I noted the absence of Mr. D and Chiron who usually played pinochle on the deck. Yes, even at grim times like these.

Entering the house, I passed the infirmary and made my way to the second floor where our rec room was. I saw Thalia sprawled over a map that was spread upon the ping-pong table, frowning lightly. There were a few other demigods scattered, mostly cabin counsellors, who seemed to be arguing amongst themselves.

I cleared my throat as I entered, announcing my presence to the occupants.

"Oh thank gods, you are here." The Athena counsellor, Michelle, said as soon as she saw me. "Please tell your sister why this plan won't work."

I ignored the other demigods as I approached my sleep deprived sister. Her attention was still on the map, her eyes rapidly roaming around it as she thought up whatever new shenanigans she wanted to do.

"Good morning, princess." I greeted her with a peck on her cheeks, and had to dodge as she swatted towards me absently.

"..hmm, morning." She mumbled out after a few seconds, her attention still on the map.

I took a quick look at her status to see if she was properly rested or not.

Thalia Grace

Age: 13

Race: Demigod (Blood of Zeus)

Tier: 5

Level: 150

Divine Power: 150,000/150,000

Stamina: 152,600/158,000

Health: 153,000/153,000


Strength: 145

Speed: 138

Dexterity: 165

Endurance: 158

Constitution: 153

Mental: 25

Spirit: 150

With a sigh, I closed the status window. She definitely hadn't slept. She could go on for multiple nights without sleep with no ill effects due to her divine blood, but that didn't mean she should. Even I slept occasionally. It was just something you do to unload all your worries and stress.

"Alright then, tell me about your new plan." I said, taking a chair from the corner and readying myself for what was surely about to be an incredibly reckless plan.

"A direct assult." Thalia stated confidently with no shame, ignoring my groan to continue on. "The Hephaestus cabin are almost done repairing that drakon-like construct you found last month."

"Really?" I asked, pleasantly surprised.

I'd found the dragon automaton while saving one of the camper, Charles beckendorf, who'd joined a month after us when the camp wasn't used to be completely surrounded by monsters. The foolish 11 year old had somehow found himself tangled with myrmekes while scouting the forest. Thankfully it had been my shift to guard the ocean side of our camp, enabling me to save the boy.

It was there we found the buried pieces of automaton, which we promptly unearthed and gave to the Hephaestus cabin to do as they pleased.

"Yeah, they also gave the thing a couple of wings to fly" Thalia replied with a grimace.

I had to smother the urge to giggle at her dislike for flying. It was hilarious to note that a child of zeus had fear of heights.

"That's good news Thalia, I'll admit." Michelle chimed in from beside us. "But a single automaton isn't going to be much help."

"I know that!" Thalia snapped with a scowl. "But we also have a new batch of Greek fire now, and it's been over two months since we last tried to clear the monsters outside of the barrier. We have to try something!"

"And we will." I stated soothingly, resting my hand on her shoulder. "But only with proper planning and strategy. Don't forget what happened last time."

That had been a disaster indeed. Almost a dozen demigods were critically injured with 3 of them dead. That was two months ago, when we tried to directly assult the monsters outside the barrier; take the fight to them if you will.

I was one of the few who had protested that stupid plan, but I was reminded that I wasn't working with mature adults but with a bunch of hormonal teens. I did get the satisfaction of reprimanding all of them harshly, but the damage was already done in the form of three bodies that'd never rise again. Now they knew not to ignore my advice and act rashly.

"Call the cabin counsellors in the evening. I'll lead the meeting this time." I said to michelle, standing up while taking thalia's hand in mine. "But for now, a proper breakfast is more important."

I ignored my sister's protests, dragging her out of the big house with me.

"C'mon Thals, don't make me fly you to the mess hall." I said, smirking.

"... whatever." She mumbled quietly but stopped fighting me. "Where's Luke anyway?"

"Probably still guarding the borders. He had the night shift yesterday."

Me, Luke, and Thalia were the strongest demigods currently present in the camp and were naturally taken as the leaders, so we each chose a different time to patrol the parameter, with our own handpicked squad.

Each squad had about 20-25 demigods, patrolling the entire camp all day, with the shifts divided in morning, evening, and night. The Ares cabin filled the 4th spot by themselves, usually patrolling in the afternoon. Arrogant bastards didn't want to be under anyone's leadership.

Thalia and I passed by the lake again, walking towards the cabins while talking about inane things, which consisted of me advising her to sleep and her refusing to acknowledge the fact that I knew about her lack of sleep.

We passed by the cabins and headed towards the dining pavillon which was on a hill just behind the Zeus cabin, a few minutes walk at most. It was an open space with no roof or walls, only white Greek columns that overlooked the sea.

I could see people already present there, mostly those who had the night shift and wanted to eat something before sleeping. But there were also the other cabins present; Athena, Demeter, Hephaestus. I spotted Annabeth but we weren't meant to join any other table save our own. We took our places on the stone picnic table which was always reserved for the children of zeus.

Immediately a couple of dryads arrived with plate full of fresh bread, cheese, and fruits. The same meal we've had everyday for the last year. There used to be barbeque as an option too, but now it was restricted to only dinner. What with the monsters stopping us from selling or exchanging the surplus amount of strawberries that we have.

With a sigh I looked to my empty glass and said, "Doctor pepper."

The only reason people weren't totally fed up of the food was due to the enchanted goblets. No matter how boring the food might be, the drinks will always satisfy us. It could be whatever we wanted afterall. Non-alcoholic of course.

"What are you doing this morning?" I asked casually as we ate our food almost mechanically.

"Spear practice with chiron, then unarmed combat with Ares cabin before my squads petrol shift. You?"

I thought about it for a second before replying. "Sword training with Luke before he runs off to sleep, then archery with chiron."

My spear skill has reached the max level in expert, and from many spars with thalia i knew she was the same. But for some reason I couldn't grow to the next upgrade in skill, so I shifted my focus on some other skills unlike Thalia who seemed obsessed with her spear and shield combo.

Sword fighting I had picked up since the start, and sparring with the best swordsman of the generation, Luke, had made me progress rapidly in that. Archery on the other hand, was a recent addition. Unfortunately, I didnt have a particular talent in that. My accuracy was good due to my holy weapon throwing, but normally I would've never been able to master the ability to rapid-fire arrows like a child of apollo.

Of course, Gamer system changed that.

"I'll see you at the meeting then?" Thalia asked as we finished our breakfast.

"Yeah, sharp at four." I got up from my seat, and made my way for the arena with a final wave at my sister.