Extremely Important Health Notice

I know I said I wouldn't waste chapters on this book, but this is extremely important.

I got Covid 2 weeks ago. It's basically gone now, but I have a new problem. My right ear.

I might have ended up damaging my right ear's eardrum, and every day, it's been extremely painful, and it sometimes throbs in even more pain. It's to the point where I can't concentrate on almost anything. And I don't want to write while in agony. I'm also scared I might end up accidentally overdosing on the pills that temporarily suppress the pain. That would lead to my death if I ended up overdosing.

So I'm going on hiatus until it heals. Based on what I looked up, that could either take 3 weeks or 3 months. I don't know which. I hope it's the first.

So yeah. That's all I wanted to say. See you when this ear is healed again.