Chapter 3: A New Planet

The ship whined as it touched down on this amazon looking planet, the heat from the ships engine escaped causing the grass to flatten when the ship lay still. Nico and Cooler walked out of the ship seeing the suns light dripping through the leaves, Nico looked around and saw a few animals running around in the bushes foraging for food.

"Im gonna look around in the opposite direction" Cooler turned around and started to walk away when Natsumi came out of the ship.

"Nico!!, Would you like your mother to accompany you?" Nico looked at his mother and sighed.

"Fine but try to stay out of trouble" Nico let out a small chuckle as they walked together down a path.

Nico and Natsumi were walking when Nico picked up on a few voices in the distance. They walked into the open area and saw a dazzling sight, they were looking at a technologically advanced civilization on this desolate planet. One of the villagers spotted them and walked over.

"Hello! You must be new to our planet" the stranger greeted them and made a note of Natsumi being with Nico.

"Yeah we just landed a few seconds ago over that way" Nico pointed behind him and the stranger wrote it down on his notepad.

"Wont you follow me?" The stranger motioned for them to follow.

"What is this place exactly?" Nico asked a puzzled expression on his face.

"This is the planet called Phyicxz we have lived in peace for years, we recently went to war with the southern part of our planet over hard to find resources. Our leader Shik spear headed an assault and won the territory, the one we are standing on infact! He convinced the south to sign a treaty for those resources we needed and in turn he gave this part of the land back to the south. Now you might be wondering how it is that some northerners are living here. Its simple they cant win while under pressure!" The stranger turned to Nico and Natsumi suddenly and Gasped. "I never asked your names!", The stranger held a pen up to her note pad ready to write.

"This is my mother Natsumi and im Nico", The Stranger wrote a few things down and smirked.