Chapter 15 - Grazio's challenge (part 1)


The black-haired attendant turned toward Grazio with a grim expression.

One look at the red-haired youth was enough to make Zomei's scars start to throb.

|...and I was trying so hard to avoid him...!|

The scarred boy clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, barely stopping himself from spitting scowling, and spiting to the side at a mere sight of his number one hated person in the world.

The thing was, Zoemi was just avoiding Grazio - he always did his best to not even look at him or acknowledge the red boy's existence whatsoever, even though they were in the same class.

That past month Zoemi was especially happy that the heroine never showed any interest in the red-haired guy - because thanks to that he could continue acting as if the person who left him with these horrible scars did not exist, with a clear conscience.