[Bonus chapter]Chapter 54 - Daily life...? (part 7)

The lecture was over so it was high time for him to make a move, wasting any more time would be more than just wasteful. Even a single day, no, a single hour could be crucial.

...the black-haired attendant most definitely wasn't restless because he was forced to watch Horeo and Miriette teasing each other in public...

Definitely not!



Therefore, as soon as the red-haired middle-aged teacher declared the end of the final lecture for the day, Zoemi instantly left his seat and dashed towards the heroine before she even got the chance to stand up from her seat and walk out of the classroom with her head down without speaking to anyone, as she always did.

"Miss Burushi, can I have a moment of your time?"

The black-haired boy stopped by the heroine's desk and asked while minding his distance, having in mind that the girl was scared of him the last time they saw each other.
