Chapter 56 - Preparations (part 4)

|...huh... medium is premium...|

An unrelated thought entered Zoemi's mind as his face was stuffed between Aspakeony's breasts while the two of them were hiding in the comfortable drawer made to be the necromancer's hiding spot and a relaxing spot at the same time – although at least for Zoemi, the position they were in was rather far from relaxing.

...although it certainly wasn't all that bad either...

"Ugh... I hate when the other teachers are just coming here to complain – young Rokiana and Kross can think for themselves but most of the teachers run to me at the first sight of trouble."

Aspakeony snuggled up to already troubled Zoemi and whispered into his ear in annoyance as she was making her corpse puppet have the conversation with one of the teachers that the necromancer was complaining about.