Chapter 96 - Banemor territory - part 2 - Picking up Reo (part 1)

Zoemi teleported back to the capital of the Banemor territory, Learen.

He was at the ready to just use the spell immediately in case he would notice Benevirau's shadow, but surprisingly enough despite its massive size, the unique shadow of the thousand-years-old water magician was nowhere to be seen.

Previously it was visible all the way from outside the city, and Zoemi had no trouble differentiating the unique shadow from the darkness of the night, so it could only mean that the young-looking butler had left.

The question was, for how long?

To preserve as much mana as possible just in case, the black-haired boy didn't choose to teleport straight into the mansion and instead simply walked.

No one knew him so it wasn't as if he would be captured or anything, and certainly, any thug would not pose too much of trouble either – but Zoemi activated his shadow enchantment just in case anyway.