Chapter 173 - Late-night chat (part 4)

With the sound of the crystal cane knocking on the floorboards with each step, the black-haired boy walked down the hallway just in time to spot the tense dark-blue-haired man who was about to enter one of the rooms with a rather murderous aura surrounding him.

"Grandpa, she isn't an intruder, I allowed her to hide here."


Zoemi followed by worried Miriette and preceded by the two corpse puppet sentinels called out to Benevirau, making the gray-eyed man stop in his track and slowly turn back towards him.

" you know who that person is...? Because the mana I'm sensing definitely belongs to at least one member of the Ghosts of Bellcephora..."

The dark-blue-haired man breathed out heavily and motioned back at the door with his head.

The situation certainly wasn't to his liking, and not without reason.

After all, he was a target for an attempted assassination from the group of traitors, so in truth, the lack of hostility would be more surprising.