Chapter 174 - How long will the peace last? (part 2)

After breakfast everyone went on to their duties – Zoemi was free so he decided to stop by the garden, considering that the weather was quite delightful for the time of the year.

It was also quite interesting to watch Elsby trot after Arreta, especially because the jet-black-haired woman clearly had no clue about gardening and the brown-haired one was doing exactly that.

"Dad, why didn't you ask her more things?"

Ettemi, the first corpse puppet sentinel, leaned forward and asked, cutely tilting their head as the three of them were sitting on the bench by the mansion's wall.

"Is it because you don't trust her after all?"

Oemir, the second corpse puppet sentinel followed up the first one, also leaning forward to see the expression that the black-haired boy would make.

"Immeri already knows most of that stuff anyway."

Zoemi shrugged his shoulders and motioned with his chin at Elsby who had a murky-black sphere sitting comfortably on the top of her head.