Chapter 193 - Brand new beginning (part 1)

Deep in the heart of the woods, in a small lumberjack village, a little boy pushed open the door to the cozy little shed and walked inside, looking around attentively.


He called out with accusation once he spotted a pile of blankets stuffed between spare axehandles and newly carved axe-hafts, and jumped right at the unsuspecting bundle.

"Wake up, sleepy head! You are going to miss the morning practice!"


As the little boy declared, kneading the bundle with his knees and trying to unravel it with his hands, a large arm erupted from beneath, reaching out towards the child's head about to crush it in its monstrous grip oozing with threatening aura.



But instead of doing that, the hand ended up affectionately tousling the boy's hair– but the speed at which it appeared and the sudden contact that the child did not expect caused the boy to let out a surprised yelp.