Chapter 195 - Fateful meeting (part 4)

With the combined power of the Law of Aries and the Law of Capricorn, Zoemi managed to get the defeated martial artists back to the village before any one of them regained consciousness.

But unexpectedly, he returned in time for something else too...



Seth got punched in the stomach and smashed into the wall of one of the buildings, having air being forced out of his lungs.

"See? That's as far as relying on brute strength will get you."

His opponent, a dark-blond-haired martial artist in a different colored uniform than Seth, snickered, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Despite talking big, it looked like he went through a hard time.

"...piece of... shit..."

Seth spat out blood too, but instead of normal fluid, his was murky red in color and almost granulated in its consistency – as if diseased.

"You should not have messed with the Great Ram sect~"

The enemy snickered and his green eyes gleamed with cruel excitement.