Chapter 207 - Dark sect (part 5)

"I see..."

Rhodes nodded with a concerned expression although in the small cave where only the unknown light flickering through the gaps between the exit and the boulder blocking it was easing up the darkness.

"If that's true then it explains quite a bit... huh...? Urgh...!"

The man breathed out – but then he suddenly choked and started coughing, protecting his face and nose with his arm.

"Wha the hell?! What is this disgusting smoke?!"

He growled waving his hand around, trying to chase it away from his still unconscious son.

"Ugh...! I have no idea...! M-maybe something from the outside? If that's a monster using fire magic, maybe the smoke it produces is poisonous too?"

Alan coughed and hid half of his face in his clothes.

"That's it, my son barely got away from the Heavenly Archer sect, I am not letting him die in a place like this!"