Chapter 213 - Magicians in the land of martial artists (part 1)

"Excuse me?"

It was only a few days after the group of magicians arrived at the Heavenly Star Academy – a grandiose complex built by the Star Pagoda with the help of almost every single lawful sects founding – and the morning of the first official day of the lectures already brought a big surprise for Devios and the others.

"Were... were you not informed about the five exposition duels...? One-on-one, no repeated participants, the person who steps outside of the arena loses?"

A worried-looking female martial artist gulped down her saliva and asked in an uneasy voice.

"I was not. Miss Metavicero!"

The blue-haired young man shook his head to the sides before spotting the pure-white figure and called out to her, raising his hand to get her attention.

"D...! Lord Perserios! I was looking for you!"

Metavicero's white eyes lighted up for a split second only to become dim as she run up to the shorter man and the female martial artist.