Chapter 220 - The dangers of the world becoming whole again (part 3)

The attack was too fast and thrown out of the blue-haired young man's blind spot...


Only to miss...!


Devios gasped in shock – he did not dodge the attack at all, what happened was the hand was forcefully pulled back into the darkness mid-swing, having the tip of the darkness blade cut through the empty air.

It honestly looked as if the darkness forcefully sucked George back in. Not only that, the dark mist dissipated into a thin air leaving no trace behind only a heartbeat later.

"What the hell is...?! GEROIZEN! SHOW YOURSELF YOU...!"


Devios roared furiously, but before he could speak his mind about the black-haired half-blood martial artist, an unidentified object fell down onto the arena, breaking it into unrecognizable pieces – exactly at the spot where George appeared and disappeared the moment earlier.

"Tsk... I missed him."