Chapter 234 - The journey continues (part 19)

"So, what you are telling me, is that papa isn't a Kallerontte but a Tallaran, and that I am half-sister to Veo and Teo... hmm... I wonder if Teo in the past timeline knew about it and that's why she hated me so much...?"

After some more catching up, Burushi ended up breathing out and wondering.

"I can't say for certain, it would be best if she regained her memories and commented on that on her own... because honestly, you are already being hated even though neither of the twins or their mother met you in person."

Zoemi made a bothered expression and tilted his head in unease.

"Oh... oh, great."

The blond-haired girl flinched and groaned in a tense voice.

"That said... it seems that in this timeline, you have properly unlocked both of your attributes. That is impressive."

The black-haired boy changed the subject as the atmosphere didn't have to stay so heavy.