Chapter 236 - Knight training (part 8)

"...hurgh...! And... And you are telling me that Mizoe figured it out in less than a week...?!"

Devios's body was shaken by nausea as he was crouching on the ground.

"What can I say? His stubbornness is on another level."

Zoemi shrugged his shoulders and smirked boastfully at the younger boy.

Both of them were standing in the middle of the clearing deep within the forest at the foot of the mountain chain. The sky was clear and so the light of the moon and stars was just bright enough to allow for comfortable movement for those who got used to it.

That place was the secret training spot for the black-haired and the blue-haired boy where they could actually train without getting unnecessarily large attention.

For Zoemi it was because at least for the moment he was claiming to be a shadow magician, while Devios who remained fused with Zoemi's sentinel from the past timeline had the mana reservoir of a sage – despite the concept of a sage not existing in their current timeline.