Chapter 256 - The other world (part 5)

|She seems to be on edge... is she suspicious about me or is there something in the building...|

Zoemi thought to himself and approached the panicky girl, crouching down by her and helping her gather the medical books that she dropped.

"Studying hard to be a doctor I see~"

"?!?!" *plop*

The black-haired boy asked and the Burushi-like girl shocked by his words and actions fell on her butt making the expression of a startled baby bunny while clenching the stack of books to her body.

The girl change out of the showy cute clothes that she had on when the boy and his parents were leaving the clinic and was now wearing baggy pajama trousers and an oversized hoodie, with her bushy hair once again covering most of her face.

Instead of getting even closer and potentially getting into a rather awkward situation, Zoemi sat down right when he was crouching and extended his hand to pass the Burushi-like girl the book that he picked up.