Ch 128: Outline Of The World (6)

Alex brought the two parts of the book together and a magic happened. The book shone brightly and started attaching. It didn't take long for the book to become one. After that, the book started floating in the air.

"This is..." Rosy was surprised when she saw this. This book was the Heirloom of her family. No one in her family knew what this book was about, however, everyone always believed that this book was a treasure. And from the current situation, this book really looks like a treasure.

The book continued floating in the air for a few seconds. At the same time, it was shining with brilliant light. After some time, when the brilliant light on the book dimmed a lot, it slowly came down and landed in Alex's hand.

Now, the book was complete.

This book's thickness was about two inches. It had a golden exquisite cover. One could see a few words on the cover written in an ancient but exquisite manner. The words were the name of this book.

"Outline Of The World!"