The three students walk out from the school. Woo Young stares at Han who's poking Klein. She didn't know when they became closer but she wanted to talk with Klein! She found out a lot of stories behind his disappearance and wanted to know more! But for that,she will have to talk with him privately.

Han didn't leave them alone until they reached Woo Young's house. This made the girl sigh in disappointment. Now, Klein's turn to be disappointed because he's walking alone with Han. How does he get himself closer with the boy again? They just met two times.

In real life of course.

When they reached Han's house, Klein saw Mr Ryan's car. Now this is a surprise. If Mr Ryan lives nearby, shouldn't Han just ask for a ride from the adult? Han's face shows an obvious upset expression. Seems like the boy doesn't want to part his way with Klein.

"Want to stop by-"


"Oi? You're already home? Oh, I see you're here as well."

They moved their gaze and saw their teacher in a sweater. Seems like he was about to go out somewhere. The adult let them enter the house, of course, he forced Klein to get into the house. He serves them tea and Klein stares at Han and his teacher.

"I think I skip a few introduction chapters here."

"Ah right. He is my father."

Klein now understands where Han gets his annoying personality. Both father and son wanted to be close to him. He sips the tea and gets a notification from the boy that is literally 1 foot away from him.

Han.has.friend: You seem to be busy? No update on your book?

K: I have school

Han.has.friend: Eh?! You're a student?

K: If it disappoints you, yes. Yes I am.

Han.has.friend: I am happy to hear that!^^

K: Ah, I hate you.

Han saw his quiet friend texting someone which made him chuckle. He would be more happy if the person in front of him is his favorite author. Oh, how happy it is to live in a world with stupid people. Klein can't wait to leave the house but both the father and son are staring at him as if they're trying to see his soul.


"You look better than how you were when you lock yourself in your room."

'Um, kay. Rude.'

Klein avoids their gaze and finishes his tea. He just wanted to go home now and started writing about his life. Without waiting for the two humans that stare at him talking, he stands up and walks out leaving them both dumbfound. Han walks towards the door and waves at the boy who didn't even glance back.

When Klein reached his destination, he was greeted by his mother who gave him a cup of water. He drank it and entered his room. The school uniform is uncomfortable so he removes it right away and wears his hoodie. Feeling better, he started writing but of course, peace was never the option.

Han^^: Hey! Have you ever had someone that you wanted to get close to but they don't like you?

K: Seems like you had that problem.


K: You need to leave him alone.

Han^^: But, he's interesting! Besides, what's wrong with wanting to be his friend?

K: …just go study. I am busy.

Klein threw his phone on his bed and focused back on his laptop. A lot of fans complain about him not updating at the usual time. Right, he forgot to make an announcement about his new schedule. He quickly types it out which makes him receive a lot of notification from his fans.

SeungMin4life: Good luck with your study!

'What do you mean good luck. Studying gives you bad luck. Btw thanks I supposed.'

Klein answered the comment in his head and wrote every idea he got in a notebook. He needs to choose which one is suitable with the new chapter after all. He can't just include an idea that doesn't connect with the previous chapter. Now that's stupid.

Han^^: By the way, why not attract more readers with interesting covers? Don't you have money to hire an artist?

K: Hm, sure I suppose.

Han^^: You could look for an artist on this website. I checked it before and their art is beautiful!

K: If it's expensive I will sell your organs.

Han^^: OI! NO!

Klein smiles a bit before clicking on the link Han gave. Seems like the boy is telling the truth. Even Klein was impressed by the art. While waiting for a response, he edited his chapters and finally sent them to Han. Now, all he can think of is his homework. Curse school life for making his life full with worries.

He still wonders how he manages to be an elite student. He lay down on his bed and closed his eyes. Again, his peace was gone and replaced by a phone call. It was Han who called him using the call function in the social media they use to communicate.

He was hesitating to answer but soon,

He pressed the decline button.


Han^^: I was running away from my father.

Han^^: He tried to force me to do homework.

K: Alright.

Han^^: But I was wondering.

Han^^: Can I call you sometimes?

K: No.

Klein switched his phone off and went to sleep. Screw homework or dinner. He will skip both of them and gather his energy. Today, too many stares focus on him and it sucks the life out of him. If he can, he wants to stay inside. He slowly falls asleep and snoring like a baby.

Han, who was spamming K, stops his action and thinks about Klein. Right when he was thinking about the boy, his friend, Woo Young, finally spilled the tea about Klein. He was shocked at first but soon, pity the boy.

"I should not bring up his past in our conversation!"