Everyone was staring at the school website with wide eyes. They do not believe what they just saw. It's the picture of Klein and Han with the school bully eating and it was only three day after the incident. Some girls were having wild thoughts while the other girls and guys were pretty scared of what Klein just got himself into.

'Guys! I saw them hanging out together a few days ago! Is this a new ship or is Klein the school bully's new lackey?!'

8469: No! I refuse to believe our Klein is getting bullied or is dating him! He must be hanging out together as 'friends'! But why him!! (;´Д`)

7221: It's obvious Klein is not dating the school bully. Han is there. I bet it was a friends hang out

0299: I am actually afraid of Klein now…

5460: Someone save Klein from the demon (◞‸◟)He's gonna be a school bully soon

0033: You guys are just being a b*tch right now.

Klein is now reading the website from Edward's hand. Oh, he actually bumps into the guy while on the way to school and Han just follows them from the back. Klein finally discovers the website existence and doesn't know whether to cry or…to cry at people shipping him with every person he associate with.

Yes, just cry.

Edward just tried to walk away from Klein but the boy slowly walked next to him as if he's trying to follow him everywhere he went. He had to stop walking just to warn the boy.

"Why are you following me? Don't you know that can ruin your reputation?"

"I don't have a reputation."

Han and Edward sigh at Klein's answer. He seems to forget that he's popular in the school for being shipped with a lot of people. Edward can't even think of anything to stop the boy from following him.

"Ah, you just follow me because you want to know how it feels having someone like me as a friend right?"

"Yeah. I got some ideas because of you."

Edward knew that Klein had no intention to reveal what the idea part means. Did he just give Klein an idea about a person who's delinquent for a school news or just…his weird random research? Han can't lie, Edward does help a little.

He read the new chapter that Klein wrote and he wrote everything in detail. Including the way the main character met the delinquent. He just copied what happened to them a few days ago and pasted it in the story. Klein does live up to his title as the weird author.

They bump into Louis, Woo Young and Hana while walking inside the school. Woo Young looks rather impressed at Klein. He managed to get more friends in just a short period of time. This is no longer her or Han's speciality.

"Oh~ What is this? Is this the new era where the introvert adopts the other introvert because the amount of extroverts is decreasing lately?"

"You-! I am not an introvert." Edward said and pushed her forehead with one finger. Han suddenly felt his sleeves get pulled and gave his and Klein's bag to Hana.

"You are tough! You don't even have friends except those lackeys of yours-"

Louis pushes Woo Young to Hana and bow down to their senior.

"Aha, sorry for her behaviour. But if you're really friends with Klein now, why not join us at lunch, senior."

Louis, Woo Young and Edward look at Klein to see if he would have any objection but their mouths are wide open in shocked because now, they're witnessing Han carrying a sleeping Klein on his back.

"He obviously didn't stay up reading a novel that I recommended last night."

They straight up know that it's all Han's fault. But he didn't just recommend a random novel because the novel Klein read last night was a novel written by Hana.

And it is romance.

Klein knew he had to learn how to write from his other friend.


Han had to bring Klein to his class and wake him up when they reached. After the first few class are done, they went to rooftop as usual and Klein is pretty surprised with a new face joining them.

"You admit to the fact that we're friends now?"

"Hell no! Your friend invited me politely and I can't find a way to refuse!"

Hana, who was there with both of them, just hid behind Klein. When Woo Young, Han and Louis arrive, they sit down and start eating. Hana saw that their senior was just eating an apple so she brave herself up and ask him.

"Senior…are you eating that only?"

"Hm? Oh yeah. Why?"

Woo Young slammed her hand on the ground so it hurt her a little. After swinging it a bit, she pointed at her senior with an offended face.

"How can you eat that only?! You know there's a lot of food you should try! Here! Have my chocolate parfait!"

Everyone stares at Woo Young, wondering where she got the parfait from. Edward looked at Louis but the guy already showed a smile that said 'You should accept it or she will follow you back to home'. He accepts it and eats it slowly. He admits, his junior makes his lunch time today a little eventful.

In a good way though.

Klein, who saw how Edward accepted the food and ate like a true gentleman, starts writing but his notebook was snatche by Han. Ah yes, if he wanted to keep his identity as an author, he better not look so suspicious everyday.

Han did the right thing but he knew, if his boss is not writing, he will…

Fall asleep.

Like right now.

Klein has finished his noodles and sleeps on Hana's shoulder. The girl just continues eating while watching Woo Young talking with Edward. She's the real extrovert for making Edward talk a lot. Edward is now thinking about his life decision.

'I think meeting those two a few days ago was a disaster…'


Louis: So, how do you feel about your new friend?

Klein: He's strong. He helped us bring our bags easily!

Edward: I did not help you! Don't say nonsense!

Woo Young: He's just shy~