Louis and Woo Young are hanging out at a cafe after hanging out at Klein's house. Han is still writing with Klein while Hana, Edward and Jamie already went home. Louis was too surprised when the girl invited him but of course, he wasn't too cruel (like Klein) and accompanied her.

"I was so hype about the love letter."

"Haha. I was surprised that you got their photo and also know them."

"Laura is popular as a streamer right? She's a contracted streamer under my parents' company. So I knew a lot about her. Also, her twin always appears in some of her streams so I was an acquaintance with her. Pretty nice twins."

Louis smiles before looking out the window.

"But it seems like Klein hates them."

Woo Young just sighs at Klein's behaviour. Honestly, she doesn't know what even that guy is thinking. He even said that Louis 'Could do better' as if he already knew those two girls. But since Louis isn't interested, Woo Young didn't really press the matter.

"Right, we both finished our drinks, shall we go?"


Louis walked Woo Young back to the bus station and waved her goodbye. Woo Young finally let out a long sigh and the smile she always had on her face, fades away. She took her phone and a limo that arrived in front of her. She saw the driver gave her a small smile as always.

"Is my brother…home?"

"...Yes, young miss. He finally got home when you were out just now."

"Did he say anything?"

"Um..No. When I picked him up, he's already passed out, drunk."

Woo Young signs the driver to drive away and when she reaches her house, she hears screaming. It's normal for her by now. After all, it's been going on since she was in middle school. But…

That's not the way to welcome someone back home.



Woo Young walked past her family who's still bickering and went straight to her room. Then, like a normal person, she cleaned herself and went down for dinner. Her mother served the food and they all started eating. Of course, her brother wasn't at the dinner table but was in his own room.

You might wonder why Woo Young didn't have any problem with her parents?

Because she's a girl who basically listens to her parents' words so in return, they didn't argue with her much. You think her in class C was a disappointment? Her whole family knew she fake being stupid in school just to stay in the same class as Han. Besides, she already proved that her smart brain didn't just go poof.

But of course, her friends didn't know her level of knowledge was the same as Louis.

"Your brother is going to study overseas starting tomorrow. Say goodbye while you have time."

Woo Young drops her spoon before running to her brother's room. When she tried to turn the doorknob, it was locked. She knocked a few times but no response. This is so sudden. She was close with her brother and knew very well she could only approach him late at night but now she was given a chance to talk with him, she needs to fix this.

She knew her brother couldn't bear leaving this country and his girlfriend behind.

"Woo Hyuk?"

She knocked again but no answer. Looking at the flower pot next to the door, she saw a key and used it to open the door. Spare key equals life saver.

The room...was empty.

"Woo Hyuk?"

She saw a letter on the bed and picked it up. Surely her brother leaves this here so does that mean he runs away again? Using the window...as usual. The window, which was wide open, slowly closed itself. Strong wind.

'Dear Woo Young,

Mom and dad used to bring us to the amusement park and we will happily enjoy our life together. Why...are they forcing us to be what we don't want to be? I am sorry...I can't do this anymore. I am going to live with grandma back in Korea and my girlfriend is coming with me. I'm sorry for leaving you but I can't stand it anymore. Even grandma was disgusted with their greed of power and money. If you need me, you can contact my old number.

Sorry, Woo Young.

Woo Hyuk.'

"...going back to Korea…isn't this too far…? I understand if he wants to run away for three days somewhere but...back to korea?"

Woo Young could never spend too much time at her friends' house so if she's at home, at least there's Woo Hyuk who always accompany her at home but now, with her brother running away again, and this time for...forever...she felt herself being left in this big house alone.


Her phone rang multiple times but she didn't answer it. It's already the next day and her parents didn't even bother to stop her brother. The school had already ended and she didn't step out of her room.

This sounds familiar when she thinks about it. Right, Klein locked himself inside his room when he lost Seong, his only friend. Right when she thought about the unfortunate event, she surprisingly got a call from Klein.


"...What happened?"

"Oh- um, nothing! I just overslept-"

"Lie to me, and I will break into your house. The probability that your parents probably will sue me is 99% though. So you better spill unless you want me to go broke."

She bites her lips nervously before telling Klein her problem.

"My brother ran away back to Korea because he can't stand the lifestyle my parents choose. I...was just in stupid sad mood because I thought I will be alone in this house more now."

Klein on the other side just stops typing and pick up his phone from the table.

"You're not a bother here. You can always hang out with me and Han."

Klein thoughts for a while. Yes, he is risking his secret identity but now, he doesn't even care about his real identity being revealed. It doesn't even matter at this point.

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah, besides, Han always helps me so he drops by everyday. My mom doesn't mind either."

Klein heard Woo Young crying more which made him startled but then, she stopped crying and said something.

"Thank you... you're officially my new brother."

"Uh, no thanks. I hate children."


Woo Young: Klein…

Klein: You're here? Han is not here though...and the phone call literally was two hours ago.

Woo Young: It's fine. I can hang out with you if Han is not here. I...am feeling more depressed if I stay in that house for too long.

Klein: Let's go troll on the new dating apps.