Two girls happily entered the house when the door was unlocked for them. They're pretty disappointed to not see their mother though.

"...Eh? It's you?"

"What? Do you think I am glad that you both are here?"

"You rude little sh*t-!"

The two girls pinch his cheeks in unison. Klein is not happy with more people in the house. His sisters are still studying to be a teacher but right now, they're home for vacation.

"Hey, where is the cat that lived with us before?"

"The owner took him back."

"Aw, I love him though."

Klein gave his first sister a look that says 'I don't really care' because he's not fond of cats and dogs. He looks at Bubble and his sisters finally notice the new fish.

"Man, he got another boring fish."

"Hey, watch it. That fish cost less than the cat."

His first sister cringes at his response. Well, not really a fan of introducing minor characters but both sisters are named Autumn and Keira.

He really hates their name.

He closed the door and let his sister bring their own stuff into their room. Nope, don't even bother helping or else he will hurt his head by how many stuff they brought back. His sisters tend to buy stuff when they're angry and based on how they have anger issues, the possibility of them having 10 bags of items is possible.

"Yo Klein!" Autumn opens his door without knocking which makes Klein turn his head in anger.


"Where's mom?"

"She's working, you idiot."

"Then, let's go out."

Klein turned his attention back to his computer but his sisters pulled him outside and now, they're in a cab. Way to ruin someone's Saturday.

"Let's go eat something delicious!"

Keira shows her phone and there's an article about nearby restaurants. Well, Klein already went there so he's not hype about it. His sisters are food lovers so he can't stop them.

Right when they set foot inside the restaurant, they chose a seat and Klein was forced to take his sisters' selfies. Another reason why he hates his sisters.

"Yes, you're beautiful but f*ck why do you need to take a picture regularly?"

"Dude, we're making memories unlike you."

He helped them take their picture and finally settled down to eat. Next, he's accompanying his two sisters at the mall. His legs are already turning into jelly because of walking too much. He hoped that there's a saviour that will save him from this torture.

"Oh? Klein?"

Klein looked to the right and saw Louis with some vegetables. His sisters look at the guy and back to Klein. Before they could assume anything, Klein already introduced him to them.

"He's Louis. My classmates before. Now, we have different classes and uh…we're friends?"

"Wanna catch up with him or go with us?"

"Him. You two can go ahead and get lost."

Louis sweat drops but looks at Klein for an answer.

"They're my sisters. Thank you for saving me. I think…my leg is already giving up because they brought me to a lot of shops."

Louis smiles and suggests they rest at the third floor where the restaurants are mostly located. Well, Klein agreed but Louis had to bring him up there. Louis brings him using his back and they do not mind the stares people gave.

"Would you like to drink anything?"

"...I want beer."

"No. Not that kind of drink."

"Then…Strawberry soda."

He walked away and Klein lay his head on the table. He actually wonders why he says beer when he never drank one but considering how tired he is, he would say anything.

"Here you go. So, are you just accompanying your sisters here?"

"Mm. Also. I was forced. Can't wait for them to get married and leave me alone."

Louis certainly sure Klein hated his sisters more than he hates whatever happening in his life.

"...You know, I am still curious."

"About what?"

"The fortune telling things. At least, she should tell us a little about you. All she did was give advice when it was your turn."

Klein sips his drinks while looking at the guy. He doesn't know anything so…

"My future lover is a girl." Louis suddenly mentioned.

"Something you wouldn't expect, huh?"

"...Yeah. But I don't believe in fortune telling."

Klein really gives him a 'good for you' thumbs up because there's one time where a fortune teller told Klein's mother that he has a charisma that can attract others to him. He was lonely in his middle school once that guy said it.

He never trusted that kind of person after that.

"I…know you said you aren't going to be in any kind of relationship but…

What kind of person would be your ideal type?"


"I- uh…never think about that. Maybe…Someone who won't complain about my not so healthy lifestyle, someone who can uh…lift me up when I am tired and…someone who can love me even if I am homeless or um not functional?"

"Well…so you want someone who loves you, who doesn't question whatever you're doing and basically someone who dedicates their life for you?"

"Isn't that what I just said?"

Louis shakes his head and Klein sighs. They finished their drinks and Klein put his head on the table, feeling too comfortable. Louis saw this and shook him a little.

"Hey- you can't just sleep here."


Louis looks for Klein's phone and check which one is his sisters' number.


"I think…this is his second sister?"

Louis called her and she answered immediately.

"What is it, you f*cker?"

"I- um…I am his friend just now…He's asleep."

"Oh. Can you bring him home? He has the house key in his pocket."

Louis checked Klein's pocket and found it. He agreed to help and bring Klein piggyback to his house. Well, when he reached there, he unlocked the door and went to Klein's room to put him on the bed.

"...Have a sweet dream, Klein."

Louis pecks his forehead before leaving the key inside the room and lock the front door from inside so that no one can enter.


Klein: Eh- I am home?

Keira: Yeah no sh*t. Your boyfriend dropped you off.

Klein: Get out.