


Stephen snaps out of his daydream and focuses on Louis again. Seems like the student council and the discipline club are having meetings about some students' behaviour. A lot has been caught skipping school, bullying, stealing people's stuff and more.

The first one would be the first year and the second one would be the seniors who thought they're in charge after Edward left. The third one is common among juniors and seniors. The teacher chose the wrong time to force them to have a meeting though, because they're supposed to be in class right now.

Stephen can't really focus because he's still questioning what really happened to Klein.

"Do you guys have any idea how to prevent this?" The teacher in charge asked.

"Well, I think we should make sure to check on every area that we talk about often." Louis suggested.

They look at Stephen who stares at the whiteboard. He then stands up and walks to it.