
One year ago.

I stared at my computer screen, at the news article that caught be by surprise. I knew that name. I mean, technically I knew both names. They were very well known and everyone knew of them. But Ethan Barrett Andrew Maxwell is someone I didn't just know about, I knew him. Although it had been eleven years since I last saw him in person and eight years since we'd last talked. He was first (and only) kiss and the one I dreamed would come and choose me, even though his family is rich and my Mom worked two jobs to make ends meet when I was growing up.

The only reason I was able to even meet Ethan was because I got a scholarship to a summer camp every year. We first met when I was five and he was seven. He was one of the only kids at camp that would even talk to me, and my only friend there. Each year he made my life bearable for the month we were there. When I was 14 we kissed, and not just once. It was magical and we both knew we liked each other. We only saw each other at summer camp, he went to a private school and I went to public school. I always felt fortunate because we lived on the school boundary and I was able to go to a better school than the one that our neighbors went to.

The next year when I was 15 was his last year at summer camp, and we spent as much time together as possible. He said he wanted to keep in touch and gave me a cell phone to use to contact him as he didn't want his family to trace who I was and give me problems. It was under his name so it wouldn't track back to me and he removed any GPS tracking on the phone so it couldn't pinpoint my location.

We had messaged and video chatted for a year quite frequently, after he went to college it tapered down and the last time we talked he said that he would never forget me. His family made him commit to an arranged marriage, and he couldn't fight against them or he'd lose everything. Apparently I wasn't worth it to him. He said he would be canceling the cell phone so I should just trash it. However, in my heart I wanted to be like Cinderella and have his family accept me so I kept the phone because it had all our messages we'd sent over the years. At first it was because I was too shocked to believe it. I was finally leaving for college and we'd be able to meet up without anyone really knowing. Why when we could finally be together did his family have to step in and make it so we couldn't. Or maybe he'd known for a while but didn't want to admit it, or tell me but at that point he had to because there wouldn't be many excuses that would work. He'd probably known for a while and that is why our interactions had grown fewer.

Of course, his dad was an Earl and I'm not sure how I ended up at a summer camp where most of the aristocracy sent their children, but I did. It seems crazy to me now that I actually knew most of the people that the country's paparazzi was talking about because of that camp. But everyone there knew I was a nobody and that's why no one wanted to be my friend. Ethan was not like the others and didn't care who I was. And that's what led to me falling in love with him. He was my prince charming who would save me from my life of poverty.

But now it was official, he was getting married, and there was no way his family would go back from him marrying Charlotte Gastrell. Her dad is the richest person in the country. He founded a huge online marketplace that has grown larger than ever expected. They are billionaires and while I hate to admit it, Charlotte is gorgeous. I'm sure she must have a personal stylist that helps her get ready every day because she is always flawless. Who wouldn't want to be married to her instead of a poor, plain girl like me. Except, soon I wouldn't be a poor girl, I'm not saying I'm going to be rich but I was able to make something of myself and I'm proud of that. Instead of needing someone to rescue me, I worked hard and rescued myself.

My mind went back to the article. They were getting married in just over a year, maybe I'd plan a vacation and be out of the country during the celebration that was sure to be huge. A celebration I didn't want to be a witness to in any way. In a year I'd be able to afford going on a week long vacation. After all I just graduated and was about to start work as an optometrist. I was making it so Mom could finally retire and take it easy. Now if I could only make my heart forget my first and only crush.