
Shauna and I were met in the foyer by my father, Ethan and Mom. I was surprised to see Ethan, but happy. He was the first get to me and pulled me in for a kiss. It was short but amazing. I pulled away and introduced Shauna to Ethan and my father. Mom already knew her since she had been my best friend since we'd been roommates at University.

"So you think you're going to marry my best friend?" Shauna asked Ethan. I think Ethan was a bit taken aback by her, she can have that affect on people.

"She said yes." He shrugged and looked at me for help.

"You hurt her and you answer to me, okay?" Shauna threatened. I laughed and Ethan relaxed a little bit.

"I would be a bit afraid of her if you do hurt me." I teased Ethan, "She's studied Taekwondo for the past 10 years."

"It's true. She's pretty amazing." Mom said. Shauna blushed at the praise.

"I hope to never hurt Sera." Ethan said. "So I hope to never have to see if you can win against me." Ethan had studied several forms martial arts, and I wondered if he'd kept up in the past few years.

"Good. Then we should get along fine." Shauna said with a smile.

Charles, who had been watching all this with a grin invited us to a room that had a small stage area, chairs and a few couches. "They're just about finished setting up so you can choose your dress." He informed me. "After you pick the one you want, or even narrow it down to a couple, they'll take your measurements and get started altering." Wait, did he just say they'd alter more than one if I couldn't make up my mind? Sensing my surprise he added, "If you want a dress with a longer train for the ceremony and one without a train or a smaller train for the dinner and reception then you should get both. And do not worry about the cost, I am fine with paying for whatever you choose. I have felt guilty not doing more as you grew up so now that I get to spoil you, I'm going to do so."

"Thanks dad."

Shauna sighed and I could tell she was thinking how lucky I was to be able to pick whatever I wanted without even seeing a price tag. I do feel a lot like Cinderella, we'll maybe not Cinderella- after all I didn't grow up with both my parents dead and an evil stepmother. Probably more like Aurora who grew up with the fairies and then learned she was a princess and married the prince. I could deal without the drama in the middle of that story. I had my own struggles growing up but it made me who I am and now I have a rich dad and a handsome fiancée. I should remember to think positive instead of freaking out about all the things that need to be done.

A few minutes later a middle age lady came out and introduced herself and said they were ready to begin. I was amazed that they didn't just bring out the gowns, they had models come out and show them off. There were three models they were all about my size and build so I knew about what it would look like on me. It was amazing. After all the dresses had been modeled, I was able to pick a few that I wanted to choose from. I'd narrowed it down to 6, and I was going to go with my father's idea of the train for the wedding and a non-train for later. I'd originally thought a removeable train but I didn't like any of the dresses that had those.

First the three of my choices were the dresses with trains. They were put on the models and they came out and we were able to look more closely at them. Shauna was definitely helpful and pointed out things I would have missed, both good and bad. Between her and Mom I was able to pick the one I knew would be best. It had fabric wrapped around on the front and a high neckline, it had a nice fit on the bodice and flared gently out into the train behind. The back was scooped and had a loop that hung loose, buttons trailed all the way down the train. It was perfect.

Then the models changed into the three dresses I'd narrowed down to for after the ceremony. The one I ended up choosing was form fitting but had a slit up the front just past the knee and a layer of fabric that made it look more flowing. The neckline was pretty much the same as my other choice. It had a short train but I asked that the dress be altered so the back was the same length as the front. This would be the dress I was walking in the most and I'm a bit clumsy so it would be better that way.

I will credit my father, he pretty much stayed in the background and let me do my thing selecting the dress. Ethan was a bit more opinionated. Although a few of his opinions were whispered into my ear about how easy or hard the dress would be to get out of. This is probably why most women go without the future groom to select their dress.

I was then escorted to get my measurements taken and I insisted that Shauna came too since she they would need hers. While her measurements were being taken I looked through the catalog and found the perfect dresses for the bridesmaids. Shauna agreed with my choices and they made a note of them. I told them I'd have to get back with them on the number of bridesmaids, but they could start with the maid of honors dress.

After our measurements were taken I knew I needed to ask Ethan about the wedding party. He said that it was up to me but with Charlotte they had originally planned to have his brother and my step brother as groomsmen and he'd like to have them and his best man. It was perfect for me because I'd be able to have all three of my close friends. Now I just needed to tell the other two…