Run Away?

I shook my head at him and said, "I said maybe." And turned two shades darker red. I guess I need to work on my teasing back game. It was definitely Ethan-1 and Sera-0 right now. Actually if we look over our lifetimes it was probably closer to Ethan-1,000 and Sera-20. There were a few times I'd gotten the better of him, but it was usually thought out. Maybe that was my problem, I just needed to think out how to get him ahead of time more. The more I thought on that idea the better it sounded, I could definitely think of devious things, or if not Shauna could help me. If she were the score would be her-1,000 and Ethan, well who knows?

As we were leaving the wedding planner handed me a shoe box. I must have looked puzzled because she said, "Your dress is almost done and will be delivered on Thursday when they do a final fitting. These are your wedding shoes, you need to break them in, wear them around each evening before you go to bed so your feet don't suffer as much on your wedding day."

She's genius and is worth whatever she is getting paid! I thanked her and took the box. I gave it to Adam to put in the SUV. I sometimes feel sorry for Adam and Seth, I mean they have to get bored. It's not like they do a whole lot while they're waiting for me at work and when I'm in a meeting. At least when we go out to eat they get to eat as well. I'm not sure if that's typical but I insist they get to eat in the same place we do and either Ethan or I pay for their food.

Tonight I picked the place, it's my favorite Italian restaurant, and it's not fast food but it's definitely not as upscale as Ethan has been taking me to. "I hope this place isn't too cheap for you." I teased him as we went in.

"I'd follow you anywhere you little minx." Ethan shot right back. "And I actually love this place. It's just not the type of place that either of our families would eat at."

"Then we know where to go when we don't want to run into them." It actually was great because I could eat here in peace.

"I love the way your mind works." Ethan kissed my head.

We were taken to a table and the waitress went to get our drinks. I could tell something was bothering Ethan, but before I could ask if everything was okay, he asked me, "Are you happy with the wedding plans?"

"Honestly, I'm amazed at how much can be done in such a short time. I know that the amount my dad is paying has something to do with it, but still. I am actually pretty happy with all the arrangements. I just wish we could take a longer honeymoon."

"Oh we will, just in a few months. I'm glad your happy, but I really want to know if there's anything we should change or do differently. Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable?"

"You mean besides how many people are going to be there and the fact that my dad's family hates me? Not really." I blurted out, and then hurried to add, "Honestly the decorations and everything are amazing. I just don't love crowds but I'll be okay since you'll be right there with me the whole time."

"I'm sorry that we have to invite so many people. It's really a status thing, we can't afford to offend people by not inviting them and all that. But I'm mostly sorry that you don't feel welcome in your father's house. I have noticed the tension and the looks that they've been giving you, but only when your father cannot see." I hadn't realized that it's only when dad is not watching, it's always interesting to have another perspective. "Once we're married you don't have to spend time with them, unless you want to."

"How about you, are you happy with the wedding plans?" I asked him.

"I'd be happy eloping Sera, the whole big thing isn't really my idea of fun either. I am just more use to it because I've had to do it for my whole life." He shrugged, "But like I said, we need to not offend people at the beginning of our relationship as some of those connections could help us in the future."

After dinner I dragged him shopping, and found some amazing white tennis shoes. Holding them up I smiled. "These are perfect."

"Perfect for what?" Ethan looked like I'd lost it, "They're pretty plain shoes sweetie."

"Perfect to walk down the isle." I said. "There is no way I'm wearing those heels the whole day. I can wear these for the ceremony, the dress will cover them and the other shoes with the dress that will show them off. And then my feet won't be killing me by the end of the day, or at least not as much."

"You think I should let you wear running shoes at our wedding? I'm not sure I like the thought of that - I mean I've seen Runaway Bride." His mouth turned upwards. "I really don't want to see a re-enactment on our wedding day."

"You think I'd use these to run away from you, and not to you?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well my last fiancé left me, just not quite at the altar." Ethan pouted.

"I'm not her, nor do you want me to be. I'm wearing the shoes and they will carry me in comfort into your arms. I mean I could go barefoot if that would make you feel better."

"No, what if you stepped on something and hurt yourself. I'll just have to believe that you'll chose to run to me." He pulled me into his arms and kissed me, right in the middle of the shoe department. I returned the kiss with all the emotion I could. He needed to know that I wouldn't leave him. I don't believe he was extremely broken up about Charlotte's elopement but on some level it did hurt him. I wanted him to know that I wouldn't break his heart as I had the power to do a lot more damage than she ever could.